When Should You Replace Your Ductwork?

Of all of the components of your home that work behind the scenes, the ductwork that serves your HVAC system is probably the one you think about the least. The air just comes out of the vents when the system is running, and that’s the end of it – few people spend time thinking about the ducts that carry the air around.


At some point, however, those ducts will likely need to be replaced. How do you know when that time has come? Working with a professional team like those at Berico is a good start, as you’ll be able to get the best HVAC service Greensboro has to offer and you can ask any questions you may have. Get started today.


There’s No Expiration Date

The first thing to know about replacing ductwork is that there is no specific point at which the ducts will no longer be in good condition. In fact, there is a good chance that they will last well into the future, as they are typically tucked away out of sight and not at much risk of damage on a day-to-day basis. Of all of the parts of your HVAC system, the ducts are the component that generally needs the least attention.


With that said, you can’t necessarily count on your ducts to last forever. It is possible that they will run into some type of trouble along the way, such as a leak developing that makes your system less efficient and less effective. If you have a leak in one of your ducts, and those ducts are already pretty old, to begin with, it might make sense to simply replace everything at once rather than trying to have a repair completed. Those older ducts could just keep having trouble even after the repair is done, so taking that chance to run new ducts throughout the building may be a smart move.


Think About It When Installing a New Air Conditioner or Furnace

You don’t necessarily have to install new ducts when installing a new air conditioner or furnace, but this is a good time to review the situation and consider upgrading. In some cases, it actually will be necessary to upgrade your ducts along with the HVAC, as the new system may need ducts that match the size of the unit that is being installed. Of course, the expert team at Berico will be able to advise on this matter so you can make the right choice. If you wind up with both a new air conditioner and a new set of ducts, you’ll be all set on the HVAC side of things and should be able to enjoy years of reliable performance ahead.


Replacing ductwork is only one of many different things that Berico can do for you. Among the leading HVAC companies in Greensboro, Berico offers furnace service, new equipment installation, and on and on. Whatever you need, get started today with a phone call to learn more or to schedule your appointment.