Is My HVAC System Making Me Sick?

If you are feeling ill for no obvious reason, you are likely to leave no stone unturned as you search for a solution. At some point, you might turn your attention to your HVAC system, wondering if something about how your heating and air system is working could be doing you harm. While modern HVAC systems are incredibly safe overall, it’s worth considering all possibilities to improve your health.


Berico is a trusted partner for furnace repair and other HVAC projects in the Greensboro area. Take a moment today to reach out for help and schedule an appointment.


Some Likely Signs

Most of the time, if you aren’t feeling well, it will have nothing to do with your HVAC system. However, if you have experienced some specific symptoms, you might want to look closer at your furnace, air conditioner, and any other equipment you have in place. Those symptoms include things like dry throat, headaches, sinus congestion, allergies, and more. If you seem to have persistent symptoms in this area and they aren’t the result of a common cold, it might be the air quality that is to blame.


How an HVAC System Works

It’s important to remember that the HVAC system serving your home isn’t pulling in fresh air from the outdoors. Instead, it’s recycling the air, meaning the air is just going around and around while staying inside the home. This type of design has many advantages, but it does mean that if there is a problem in the system, that air is going to remain in the house and could contribute to illness. Fortunately, there are a couple of things you can do to make it far less likely that you run into these issues.


Air Filters Are Critical

If you only take away one piece of advice from this article, let it be the fact that a good air filter is critical to the air quality in your home. Changing out the air filter in your HVAC system is an easy task that you should be able to handle on your own. Also, air filters are rather affordable, so there really isn’t any reason to skip out on this task. Change the air filter frequently any time your system is running a lot – such as during the middle of summer or middle of winter – and you should start breathing easier right away.


Keep Up with Maintenance

You’ll also want to make sure that your HVAC system is maintained regularly so you can avoid any operational problems that lead to poor air quality. Even if your system is running, it could have an issue behind the scenes that is limiting its ability to move air properly, or it might have dirty parts that are degrading your air. Whatever the case, a professional team regularly maintaining the system will be able to address these issues.


When you need help with HVAC in Greensboro and you only want to work with the best, Berico is a simple choice. The Berico team is not only capable of quality AC repair but also a long list of other tasks that might need to be completed in your home. Don’t wait any longer to get started.