Greensboro HVAC: Solutions for Strange Noises

Greensboro HVACAre you hearing a constant rattling sound in your home? Does the sound seem to be in your walls or coming from your furnace or air conditioner? At Berico Fuels, we have some solutions for the sounds that you are experiencing. As a knowledgeable Greensboro HVAC company, we know how to locate and fix these types of problems quickly. Typical sounds are hisses, clanking or rattling noises. When a rattling sound is heard, there are two possibilities for where the sound is originating from, as explained by

“If it originates from the outdoor unit, chances are you have some kind of debris in the system, such as a twig. Turn your system off and cut the power to the unit, then remove the debris. If you see visible damage to the condenser coils, compressor, or fan, call your HVAC technician.

If the rattling seems to be internal, from a furnace or other internal component, turn the system off and call your HVAC technician since removing the obstacle isn’t as simple.”

So, it is best to determine if the sound is in the outdoor unit or inside of your home. With a comprehensive Greensboro furnace tune-up, we can identify potential problems and keep your system clean and efficient, avoiding future repairs. A trained technician from Berico Fuels will perform a complete system evaluation and provide a tune up for better performance. If you hear a hissing sound within your walls or around the air filter, we can help you quickly fix this problem:

“If the noise is coming from the walls, there’s a good chance your ducts are leaking.

However, if the hissing is light, it could originate from your air vents. Typically when you hear this noise it is because your filter is not “set” right or you have the wrong size filter which is creating the gap in the seal. This is a simple fix that starts with ensuring the filter is the right size and is placed correctly, leaving no room for gaps.”

The air filter size or adjustment is a do-it-yourself repair that is not costly or time consuming. However, if the hissing sound is inside of your walls, it may indicate that a major duct leak is present, requiring a more thorough repair by a certified technician. Call Berico Fuels if you suspect that you have a major air duct leak, and we will provide a thorough repair and restore restore energy efficiency in your home. The other sound that may occur is a clanking sound, which usually originates from faulty or loose parts in your HVAC system:

“It could be loose parts, such as the blower motor fan, loose blades, or loose pipes that are rubbing together. Clanking noises are a bit more serious because loose parts, if not addressed, can cause costly damage to your system. Your best bet is to turn the system off and call your technician.”

Have your furnace and air conditioner regularly maintained by a reputable Greensboro HVAC company to keep your system running at optimal capacity. Minimize repair costs and save money on your energy bills with regular HVAC maintenance from Berico Fuels. For excellent service and quality, contact us at 336-313-0466.

(Source: Common HVAC Noises and What They Mean,, Nov. 6, 2014)

Commercial HVAC Systems and Firefighters

Commercial HVAC SystemsCommercial buildings need to be equipped and ready to assist with firefighting efforts, should that be necessary one day. Fire dangers are present in commercial buildings, from equipment failures to human errors, and the quicker the firefighters can get in and do their job, the better the outcome. There are certain aspects to the air handlers, heating and cooling unit location and presence of exhaust fans that will either help or hinder the firefighting team’s efforts in putting out a fire in a commercial building. At Berico Fuels, we install Greensboro commercial HVAC systems so they are in a helpful location with tools and configurations that will assist firefighters if needed.

Air Handlers Play an Important Role in Firefighting

An article in focuses on commercial systems, and how firefighters use them to assist in firefighting efforts. Air handlers play a major role if the unit size is greater than 2,000 CFM and contains duct smoke detectors:

“The size of a unit is typically referred to in cubic feet per minute (CFM) and the amount of air the unit can move is measured in this way. So, a 30,000 CFM can move 30,000 cubic feet of air per minute. In units above 2,000 CFM, the unit will be provided with duct smoke detectors. Duct smoke detectors are special detectors that are located with the duct and generally span the entire width of the duct. These are tied into the fire alarm system and will activate the alarm just like any other detector. Units over 2,000 CFM are required to be shut down when the fire alarm is activated. It is important to remember that these are current code requirements and there are many buildings that do not have these features.”

When a fire alarm occurs inside of a commercial building, the ability to shut down the air handler instantly to prevent further spread of heat and smoke-filled air is beneficial to firefighters. Controlling unwanted ventilation of the fire is critical to keep it under control. At Berico Fuels, we make sure that our Greensboro commercial ac and heating components are installed properly to the current code requirements, and that they work safely and efficiently to provide comfortable airflow throughout the building.

Structure and Age are Considerations for HVAC Location

It is also essential to have the right-sized unit in the right location, depending on the age and structure of the commercial building:

“If no regard has been given to the structure of the building when the unit was installed, there are even greater chances that any substantial increase in heat may lead to failure of the roof structure and the unit falling on firefighters working in the building. Some units are powered natural gas or propane, and these hazards should not be treated any differently than we do every other time.”

At Berico Fuels, we consider the age of the structure and the roof when determining the best system for the building, along with the unit location. Through careful planning, analysis, and ductwork optimization, we provide a safe and comprehensive air conditioning and furnace installation for your commercial building.

Exhaust Fans Aid in Ventilation

The presence of exhaust fans is helpful to remove harmful gases and cool buildings quickly. According to

“Exhaust fans can be very helpful in our ventilation practices. When used properly they can remove the hot gases of combustion from the spaces we are working in. If we are to use the buildings exhaust fans to assist us in this process we need to know where they are located and how they operate.”

Your commercial HVAC system needs to be working efficiently and according to building codes to ensure safety and long-lasting comfort. At Berico Fuels, we maintain, repair, and install these systems with expert knowledge and careful consideration for finding the best sized system in the right location for your Greensboro, Eden and Burlington business needs. Call us at 336-273-8663 today.

Schedule Your Greensboro AC Maintenance Now

The record-setting low temperatures this winter have created the need for your heating system to work at full capacity to keep your business facility and home warm. Yet, did you know that it is actually the ideal time to schedule maintenance for your AC system? At Berico Fuels, we have good availability for scheduling your Greensboro AC maintenance, before the peak warm months during the spring and summer. According to, a facility management website, now is the perfect time to have your cooling system maintenance visit:

“When it’s cold outside, cooling equipment is likely the last thing on your mind. However, winter can be a great time to upgrade, repair, or reset your cooling system.

Scheduling cooling adjustments during the heating season offers two advantages: HVAC technicians have more time available outside their peak season, and better wintertime maintenance helps you avoid the need for summertime emergency service.”

Greensboro AC maintenanceA maintenance visit by a trained technician will ensure that your air conditioning system is clean and energy efficient for the upcoming warm season. At Berico Fuels, we provide a thorough tune-up to help you save money on your energy bills and prevent the need for emergency AC service this summer. Dirty condenser coils and dirty filters can cause numerous problems, so it is best to stick to a regular maintenance program for your AC system:

“A 1997 study by Pacific Gas & Electric in California found that a dirty condenser coil can increase compressor energy consumption by up to 30%. In addition, dirty filters allow unfiltered air to bypass the clogged filter altogether and deposit grime on the evaporator coil, which is much harder to clean than a filter is to replace.”

Improve Cooling Efficiency Prior to the Warm Season

Your cooling efficiency can be greatly improved before the spring season with an AC maintenance visit during the winter months. By cleaning, lubricating, inspecting, and making small repairs, you can save an extra 15-30% on your energy bills. Your programmable thermostat will also be inspected to make sure it is working properly.

Regular Maintenance Will Extend the Life of your Air Conditioner

If your condenser coil is always dirty and your filters are constantly clogged, your AC system will have a shorter lifetime due to more frequent repairs and lower energy efficiency. At Berico Fuels, our annual maintenance programs will enable you to experience the most energy savings from your system and keep the indoor air quality at a higher level. Enjoy healthier air and minimal repairs with regular AC maintenance. Contact Berico Fuels at 336-273-8663 for your comprehensive and reliable Greensboro AC maintenance service.

(Source: Wintertime HVAC Maintenance Tips,, December 28, 2012)

Mold Prevention with Greensboro HVAC Maintenance

Mold Prevention in GreensboroMold is a health problem, especially for people who are sensitive to it. Sneezing, watery eyes and even wheezing and shortness of breath can occur for people who are allergic to mold. Inside of your home, your bathroom showers need to be properly ventilated, along with the kitchen area to prevent the growth of mold. Damp, humid areas are usual locations for mold growth, and a controlled humidity level in your home can help to prevent mold from growing. At Alamance Oil, Berico Heating and Cooling and Carolina Fuels, we have a variety of ways that you can lower your exposure to mold and prevent the growth of it, including Heating and Cooling maintenance to keep your system clean, free of leaks and working properly. According to, there are four elements relating to your HVAC system that can contribute to mold growth:

“Mold requires four ingredients for growth: organic nutrients, moisture, a surface to grow on and darkness. Most HVAC systems have many areas where all four ingredients occur in abundance. If all four ingredients are present in sufficient quantities, mold will thrive. Take away or limit at least one, and mold will not be a problem.”

An heating and cooling system must be installed correctly and maintained regularly to provide the best resistance to mold growth. At Berico Fuels, our certified technicians take the time to correctly position the HVAC system and all of the parts to ensure the healthiest indoor air quality for your home. Here are few steps that are recommended to further prevent mold growth in your home or business:

“Although there are many steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of mold growing in HVAC systems, the four most effective design measures are sloping the drain pan under cooling coils, installing cleanable surfaces within air handlers and ductwork, providing accessibility to critical areas of the system and installing ultraviolet light fixtures in the supply air.”

Condensate drain pans are important

Your HVAC condensate drain pan actually plays a major role in the ability to fight mold growth. It needs to be sloped so that the condensation from the HVAC system can be carried away from the system, not creating collective pools of standing water. In Greensboro, furnace and air conditioning maintenance programs ensure that your system will be inspected regularly so that condensation from the coils of your heating and cooling system are not being trapped, leading to excess moisture and the presence of mold.

Components need to be easily accessible

To properly clean and inspect HVAC systems, all of the parts need to be located in an easily accessible location. At Berico Fuels, Alamance Oil and Carolina Fuels, we install HVAC systems in locations that will be easy for technicians to service your system and provide comprehensive cleaning and repairs. Removable panels and hinged doors also increase accessibility of HVAC systems, allowing service technicians to thoroughly clean and inspect all areas of the heating and cooling system during maintenance visits.

Call Berico Fuels at 336-273-8663 for all of your Greensboro HVAC maintenance needs. We provide expert installation and repair services to help you keep mold out of your home or business. Breathe healthier this year.

(Source: HVAC Systems: Design for Prevention of Mold Growth,

Greensboro Heating and Air Conditioning Repairs Reduced with Houseplants

peace-lily-filters-air-276x300Did you know that certain houseplants inside of your home can reduce heating repairs? It’s true. NASA’s houseplant study focused on the correlation between air quality and houseplants, with the findings that air quality is improved when you place specific houseplants in your home that are known to reduce toxins and gases in the air. When your indoor air quality is improved, air filters are cleaner and less clogged, which may result in reduced heating and air conditioning repairs. It is recommended to place one houseplant per 100 square feet of space in your home.

NASA identified certain houseplants that reduce common indoor air toxins, such as Benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide. Reducing these harmful gases that can accumulate in your indoor air can greatly improve your indoor air quality, leading to better heating and cooling system performance and fewer repairs. When the air is not as healthy, your filters will collect more dust and small particles. An extremely dirty air filter can cause a complete shutdown of your system, which will result in the need for furnace and air conditioning repair.

At Berico Fuels, we have listed the top ten houseplants recommended by NASA for helping in air toxin removal in your home. There are links to individual houseplants, as provided by

“…You can use plants in your home or office to improve the quality of the air to make it a more pleasant place to live and work – where people feel better, perform better, any enjoy life more.

TOP 10 plants most effective in removing Benzene, Formaldehyde, and Carbon Monoxide from the air:

Mother-in-Law’s Tongue Sansevieria Laurentii
Bamboo Palm – Chamaedorea Seifritzii
Janet Craig – Dracaena “Janet Craig”
Chinese Evergreen – Aglaonema Modestum
English Ivy Hedera Helix
Marginata – Dracaena Marginata
Gerbera Daisy Gerbera Jamesonii
Mass cane/Corn Plant – Dracaena Massangeana
Pot Mum – Chrysantheium morifolium
Warneckii – Dracaena “Warneckii
Peace Lily – Spathiphyllum”

The added greenery will add beauty to your house and also give you better air quality. These pollution-reducing plants are recommended by Dr. Bill Wolverton, former senior research scientist at NASA’s John C. Stennis Space Center, Bay St. Louis, Miss.:

“We feel that future results will provide an even stronger argument that common indoor landscaping plants can be a very effective part of a system used to provide pollution free homes and work places,” he concludes.”

If you have recently purchased new furniture, appliances, or are using harsh cleaning chemicals in your home, the identified houseplants will eliminate the harmful gases that are in your indoor air from those products. Another way to keep the pollution level reduced in your home is to replace your air filters once a month, or as recommended by the manufacturer. In the winter and summer months, we tend to keep our windows closed more often when the HVAC system is running, so there is more opportunity for toxins to collect in the air.

These months are particularly important for you to have regular air filter replacements. If you need a furnace or air conditioning repair, installation, or HVAC maintenance in the Greensboro area, contact Berico Fuels at 336-273-8663 today. We will help you maintain a healthy indoor environment in your home by keeping your heating and cooling system inspected and repaired, and by providing you with tips to keep your indoor air quality at the highest level.
(Source: Zone 10: NASA Study Houseplants Clean Air,, 2014)

Reduce Exhaust Emissions with Off Road Fuels, Such as ULSD

ultra-low-dieselIf you have farm equipment that runs on diesel fuel, you can reduce your exhaust emissions by using ULSD (Ultra-low sulfur diesel) fuel in your off road vehicle. Regarding off-road diesel equipment and the compatibility with using ULSD fuel, The Associated General Contractors of America stated the following on

“All diesel engines of any age can use ULSD fuels (per manufacturer’s specifications), but they are required for use in newer construction equipment.  Using anything else is illegal, may reduce power and fuel economy, and cause damage to engine components that may not be covered under warranty.”

With better fuel, you can become more efficient in your farming or construction uses, while helping the environment. The greater fuel efficiency experienced with diesel fueling has brought more uses for the ULSD fuel in various off road applications. CAT and John Deere equipment can have longer life expectancies by using ULSD fuel since the high energy amount per gallon means that there will be less wear on the engine for an extended time. At Berico Fuels, we make it easy to get your tanks refilled so you can work efficiently.

Off Road Fuels, Such as ULSD, Are Better for the Environment

The EPA recommends switching to ULSD fuel to produce a significant reduction in emissions:

“According to the EPA, switching to ULSD results in a 5 to 10 percent reduction in emissions, depending on the baseline fuel sulfur level. See EPA’s report Cleaner Diesels: Low Cost Ways to Reduce Emissions from Construction Equipment, March 2007.  ULSD provides an even greater benefit when it is paired with advanced diesel engine technology designed to further reduce exhaust emissions.”

At Berico Fuels, we provide ULSD fuel, as well as gasoline, #2 heating oil, propane and kerosene to help our customers get the fuel they need for their equipment. Seven days a week, we provide competitively-priced options for diesel fueling and other fuels for various uses, such as convenience stores, farming, construction and other applications.

New Emission Control Devices Installed for Equipment with ULSD Off Road Fuels

Newer farming and construction equipment benefit from the lower emissions and are equipped with advanced emission control devices in their engines, as discussed on

“Meeting the federal government’s aggressive engine emissions standards means equipping newly manufactured engines with advanced emission control devices like particulate filters and traps.  These new emissions devices are extremely sensitive to high sulfur levels in fuel and if exposed, can suffer loss of performance or be rendered completely ineffective, nullifying emissions control benefits.  Evidence of misfueling (using higher sulfur fuel in new 2011 machines) can also impact manufacturer’s warranty coverage.”

At Berico Fuels, we can check to make sure the farm equipment or construction vehicle that you use is compatible with the type of fuel that you need for off road diesel fueling. Our expertise in available fuels and current equipment will help you to locate exactly what you need to stay energy efficient and extend the life of your equipment. Contact us to find out more information on our commercial fueling solutions: 336-273-8663.

(Source: Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Makes Official Debut for Most Off-Road Uses This Summer,, July 26, 2010)

Various Types of Machines Benefit from Non Road Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel

Non Road Low Sulfur Diesel FuelIf you are in the farming or construction industry, you probably use a lot of machines that have non road diesel engines. If you are looking for a low-cost fuel with clean emissions and great fuel economy, low sulfur diesel fuel is a great choice. At Berico Fuels, we carry a variety of commercial fuels, including low sulfur diesel fuel for off road vehicles and #2 heating oil for home and business heating systems. What types of machines can benefit from the use of low sulfur diesel fuel? The EPA lists some of the construction vehicles and farm equipment that use this type of fuel:

“Nonroad diesel engines are used in machines that perform a wide range of important jobs. These include excavators and other construction equipment, farm tractors and other agricultural equipment, heavy forklifts, airport ground service equipment, and utility equipment such as generators, pumps, and compressors.”

When you need delivery of low sulfur diesel fuel, contact Berico Fuels to get the most competitive pricing and excellent service. Our knowledgeable service team will make sure the fuel is correct for your equipment, to ensure safety and reliability. If you need #2 heating oil, we can deliver it directly to you.

Decreased Emissions and Newer, More Efficient Parts

Forklifts, compressors, excavators and other machines will greatly reduce emissions while using low sulfur diesel. From the EPA’s initiative in reducing emissions:

“Low sulfur (500 ppm) and Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) fuel will be phased in for nonroad, locomotive, and marine (NRLM) engines from 2007-2014. These fuel requirements, coupled with advanced emission control technologies, will decrease emissions from these engines by more than 90%.”

A 90% reduction in emissions from agricultural and construction equipment will help to make the air less polluted. At Berico Fuels, our “green” initiative involves keeping our customers informed of newly available fuels and equipment to keep emissions minimized while increasing efficiency. Along with low sulfur diesel for outdoor vehicles, #2 heating oil is readily available for your family’s heating comfort, and can be delivered quickly to keep you warm during the winter months.

Whether you need residential heating oil or commercial fuel, contact Berico Fuels to schedule your fuel delivery: 336-273-8663. We are helping the agriculture and farming industries with fuel supplies and integrative solutions and are the trusted source as your commercial fuel supplier.

(Source: Diesel Fuel,, 2014)

Fire Prevention with Furnace Maintenance in Greensboro

Berico-HVAC-Prevent-Furnace-Fire-Blog-300x220Fires in your home can happen because of a lack of furnace maintenance. They can also happen because of carelessness and dangerous practices. Follow FEMA’s fire safety tips to keep your business and home safe this winter. Some of these fire safety tips include:

  • “Avoid using electrical space heaters in bathrooms or other areas where they may come in contact with flammable items.
  • Frozen water pipes? Never try to thaw them with a blow torch or other open flame, (otherwise the pipe could conduct the heat and ignite the wall structure inside the wall space). Use hot water or a UL labeled device such as a hand held dryer for thawing.
  • If windows are used as emergency exits in your home, practice using them in the event fire should strike. Be sure that all the windows open easily. Home escape ladders are recommended.”

As another safety measure, it is recommended to prepare your home for the harsh winter months by scheduling annual maintenance. At Berico Fuels, our technicians perform comprehensive furnace tune-up’s in Greensboro, making sure that your heating system is working at peak performance. Toxic fumes can build up inside of a home if the furnace is not vented properly, and our certified technicians will check every area of your furnace to ensure complete safety.

Follow these other safety precautions to help prevent home fires:

  • “• Never discard hot ashes from a fireplace inside or near the home. Place them in a metal container outside and well away from the house.
  • • Never use a range or an oven as a supplemental heating device. Not only is it a safety hazard, it can be a source of potentially toxic fumes.
  • • If you use an electric heater, be sure not to overload the circuit. Only use extension cords which have the necessary rating to carry the amp load. TIP: Choose an extension cord the same size or larger than the appliance electrical cord.”

With a high performing furnace, you will not need supplemental heating or space heaters. An efficient heating system will provide warmth in all of the rooms of your house and provide good air quality. Berico Fuels can help you maintain safety and warmth all winter long. At Berico Fuels, we offer complete and exceptional heating system and furnace repairs, installations and maintenance in the Greensboro region. Call us today to stay healthy and safe this winter: 336-273-8663.

(Source: Winter Fires: Safety Tips for the Home,, 2014)

The Time is Right for a Greensboro Professional Furnace Inspection

furnace inspection in GreensboroWe all want to have an efficient furnace working at peak performance during the winter. This happens when homeowners maintain an annual maintenance schedule for their furnace, keeping their home comfortable and safe. The time is right for a heating system inspection and maintenance appointment, before your system is running at full capacity during the coldest winter nights. Prevent a complete system malfunction by getting a professional furnace inspection in Greensboro by a reputable HVAC company. At Berico Fuels, our certified HVAC technicians will inspect your furnace for problems and provide a complete check-up and tune-up. Why is a certified HVAC repair specialist in Greensboro the optimal choice to perform the maintenance? At, it is recommended to have a certified technician inspect your furnace every year to prevent potential problems later on:

“Doing so now, while your furnace is working, prevents the nightmare of a dead furnace in the middle of winter, with its lofty costs for an emergency visit by a repairman, which can run you hundreds of dollars in just a site fee and another possible couple of hundred for repair parts and labor.

If your furnace has been operating on straining parts for a long time, you may also run the risk of expense and hassle of having to get an entirely new furnace. That can be prevented by making a simple phone call now to a reputable heating, ventilation and air conditioning, or HVAC, company to set up your annual furnace checkup and tune-up.”

Furnace warranties often require this maintenance service. At Berico Fuels, we provide a comprehensive inspection that will keep your heating system running smoothly so you will not need more costly repairs. We can make sure that you will experience comfort and warmth all season with an annual furnace tune-up from Berico Fuels. The Daily Herald lists some benefits to receiving an annual furnace inspection by a certified, professional technician,

“• Prevent costly breakdowns. It’s not just a full system replacement that can be the danger. Your furnace might stop working because a part is out of order, which requires you to call a technician, live without your furnace for days or longer until the technician can make it to your home. The broken part will cost money to replace, plus a lot more money in site visit and labor. These mini breakdowns can cost a lot of money over time, and a tune-up can prevent them.

• Prevent inconvenient service needs. If you have houseguests for Thanksgiving, that would be a terrible time for your furnace to break down. In addition to the lack of heat, it can be very embarrassing to have anything break down in front of family and friends. Winter’s temperature extremes can make this an even bigger concern.

Once you have maintenance performed, appoint yourself the guardian of your newly tuned-up furnace by changing the filters regularly and keeping flammable items far from your furnace.”

Our commercial and residential customers enjoy easy scheduling, convenient service hours, and courteous and exceptional heating service. It’s a breeze to keep your furnace well-maintained in Eden, High Point and Kernersville, NC. We solve your HVAC problems. Keep your home energy efficient this winter with a complete furnace inspection from Berico Fuels. Contact us at 336-273-8663 to schedule service today.

(Source: Fall is the Perfect Time for a Furnace Tune-up,, October 7, 2013)

Does That Burning Smell Mean You Need Furnace Repair?

furnace repair NCWhen you switch the thermostat setting from Cool to Heat and turn the furnace on for the first time, an odd burning smell fills your house. What could it be? We’ll help you figure out what caused this burning odor. But first, you need to stay calm and switch the thermostat setting to “off”. You will need to go over to your heating system and confirm that you do not see a fire or other serious situation at that location. There are a number of circumstances that can cause this smell to occur. Even if your heating system passes this basic type of DYI inspection, you need to schedule a seasonal furnace inspection and maintenance appointment with Berico Fuels. Serious issues and potential system failures can be avoided when furnace service and repairs in the Greensboro area are made at the start of the cold season.

The Combustion Chamber Has Dust Accumulation

While your furnace sat in an idle mode during the spring and summer seasons, dust accumulated inside of the combustion chamber. After turning on the furnace, the chamber was ignited, searing debris which caused the burning odor. Next, a blower pushed the warm air through all of your ducts, sending the burnt smelling air around your home. The good news is that this type of burning smell produced from dust is safe. The odor will leave your home quickly, with the help of opening one or a few windows to let it escape. If you continue to notice a burning smell, this indicates that there could be another problem with your furnace. Call Berico Fuels to provide a tune-up and inspection of your heating system, as well as the recommended maintenance to keep your system working properly.

Clogged Filters Need to Be Changed

Replacing your furnace filters on a regular basis will make the air cleaner in your home. If it has been months since you last changed your furnace filter, this a possible reason for the burning smell. When using a forced-air furnace, a clean filter is essential to delivering warm, healthy air to the rooms in your home. The filters take out allergens and airborne particles, such as mold spores, pollen, dust and pet dander. Filters work to clean the air before your furnace is heated, so that the circulated air is free of allergy-producing particles. When the filter becomes dirty or extremely soiled, the filter cannot work as intended because the filter fibers will be clogged with dirt and dust. This can cause a bad smell.

Pay attention to your filters to prevent a dangerous fire, which may develop from an overheated unit. The good news with this is that it is easy to fix the bad odor if a dirty filter is the cause. Simply change the filter with a new, clean one and the burning smell will disappear. It is important to keep track of filter changes, and make sure they occur every 30-60 days or as recommended by the manufacturer. Extend the life of your heating system and prevent malfunctions by frequently changing furnace filters. If this does not resolve the burning odor, contact Berico Fuels for furnace service in Greensboro and surrounding areas.

The Furnace Blower Malfunctions When Starting Up

The blower functions by drawing heat from your furnace and pushing it throughout your home. The unit’s internal temperature is also managed by the blower, so it will not get too hot. Mechanical devices sometimes need a repair, so that is also true of the furnace blower. When a blower stops working effectively, overheating of the furnace can occur, producing the burning odor throughout your house. If this happens, contact Berico Fuels immediately. It is important to call a certified technician for this type of repair, and our qualified technicians are fully trained to provide excellent repairs and maintenance for your heating system.

If all three of the potential causes listed above have been checked and the burning smell is still present, contact Berico Fuels right away to schedule an inspection of your heating system. We will get rid of the smell and keep your home safe and comfortable. Our trained technicians will help you identify the problem and will perform repairs to fix the bad odor. At Berico Fuels, we offer quality maintenance, installation and repair services in the Greensboro area for commercial and residential customers. Call us at 336-273-8663 to schedule your furnace and heating checkup and service.