Is Your Furnace Ready for Winter?

furnace repair companies Greensboro

Ask yourself this question and really think about your answer. Preparing your furnace for winter is just as important, if not more so, than the other steps you take to prepare your home for the coming cold weather months.

If you answered: “I’m not sure about my furnace.”

A tune-up may be in order. Yearly furnace maintenance is necessary to keep your furnace running smoothly and efficiently. Preventative maintenance involves inspection, thorough cleaning, and repair of any worn out parts. If you are not currently having maintenance performed each year by one of the most well-established and reputable furnace repair companies in Greensboro NC, you are probably unaware of the true condition of your furnace. Berico will let you know if your furnace is running at only partial efficiency, which wastes energy and money.

If you answered: “Yes, I’m Confident about the Condition of My Furnace.”

Can you really be certain of that fact? It ran well enough last year right? So why wouldn’t it do the same this year? Because as your furnace runs during a cold winter season, dust and soot build up inside of it. Parts wear out and need to be lubricated or replaced. Wires can get loose, screws need tightened, and fins need to be combed straight. You wouldn’t drive your car around, putting thousands of miles on it without any kind of service. Your furnace is a machine as well, with moving parts that wear out after a long winter of constant running and a hot summer sitting dormant.

If you answered: “No, My Furnace is in Need of Repair.”

It’s time to schedule a tune-up at the very least, or perhaps even a furnace replacement. If you are sure your furnace is not ready for winter, contact your heating expert for an evaluation of your furnace’s condition.

The Best Furnace Repair Company in Greensboro to Whip Your Furnace into Shape for Winter

Are you interested in keeping your home warm and cozy this winter? Do you want to save money on your heating costs this winter as well? Maintenance will help your furnace run more efficiently, which saves you money and keeps your home feeling cozier on cold days.

To schedule maintenance with Berico, call (336) 273-8663.

The Importance of Fall Furnace Maintenance

furnace maintenance GreensboroIs your furnace ready for winter? Do you want to lower your heating costs this season? Having furnace maintenance in Greensboro NC performed by the expert HVAC technicians at Berico this fall season will get your furnace running efficiently before winter and lower your heating costs. If you’ve never had maintenance on your furnace, it is likely way overdue.

You may have some questions about furnace maintenance such as:

Why does my furnace need regular maintenance?

A furnace, much like a car, requires periodic service to run smoothly. Furnaces get dirty, parts wear out, lubricants dry up, and electrical wiring corrodes. These are just a few of the reasons your furnace needs regular tune-ups.

How often does my furnace need maintenance?

HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) technicians recommend scheduling a tune-up every year. A long winter of constant running and a summer of sitting dormant takes its toll on your furnace.

What does maintaining my furnace entail?

Typical furnace maintenance includes inspecting, cleaning, lubricating, and replacing the various parts of your furnace. Inspection reveals any worn out parts or areas of concern. Worn out parts will be replaced and any loose parts will be tightened up. Moving parts will be lubricated to prevent future wear. Dirt, dust, and soot that build up in your furnace will be cleaned out. Electrical connections and voltages are checked. Filters are replaced.

When should I schedule an appointment for maintenance?

The best time to schedule furnace maintenance is late summer or early fall. You want your maintenance completed well before the cool weather sets in so that your furnace will be ready as soon as you need it. And in late summer and early fall, technicians are less busy and scheduling is more flexible.

What are the benefits of furnace maintenance?

One of the biggest benefits of furnace maintenance is energy savings. When your furnace is well maintained and running properly, it uses less energy, which saves you money each month throughout the heating season. Another benefit is the peace of mind you will have knowing that your furnace is in good shape and will work reliably to keep you and your family warm through the cold winter days and nights.

To schedule furnace maintenance in Greensboro, call Berico at (336) 273-8663.

Autumn Leaves Are Falling, Be Sure to Maintain your Furnace

Furnace Maintenance in EdenEach fall, as the autumn leaves begin to turn beautiful colors, it should remind you that it’s time for annual furnace maintenance in Eden. Early fall or even late summer is the best time to schedule maintenance. You want to have it done before the cold weather sets in and HVAC companies get busy answering emergency repair calls.

Benjamin Franklin once said “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This famous saying, though first spoken hundreds of years ago, absolutely applies to furnace maintenance today. Preventative maintenance, which is a very affordable expense, will save you from costly emergency repairs. Maintaining your furnace each year will keep it running smoothly, which prevents more serious problems. An important part of maintenance is inspection, which will bring to light any potential issues that could lead to future breakdowns, such as worn out parts, loose screws, corroded wires, or refrigerant leaks. If your furnace breaks down completely, it’s possible that it will require a more expensive repair or even replacement. Proper furnace maintenance in Eden will extend the life of your equipment.

Regular Furnace Maintenance in Eden Will Lower Your Energy Bill

An important aspect of furnace maintenance is cleaning. When dirt, dust, and soot build up in your furnace, it lowers the energy efficiency. When your furnace is running less efficiently, it uses more energy and your bill gradually increases. A thorough cleaning of your system will restore efficiency and lower your energy bill.

Improve Air Quality in your Home with Furnace Maintenance

An additional benefit to furnace maintenance is improved air quality. The dust, dirt, and soot that gradually build up in your system and ductwork pollutes the air in your home. Dust is a common allergen which can irritate respiratory issues from allergies to asthma. Soot build-up can cause increased carbon monoxide production, which is dangerous to people and pets. Fall furnace maintenance will help you and your family breathe easier all year.

To schedule fall furnace maintenance in Eden call Berico at (336)623-9741.

Furnace Repairs in Greensboro, NC: Getting Set for the Cold Weather

furnacetuneupAll equipment benefits from annual maintenance and inspections to keep it running smoothly and to prevent expensive repairs – your furnace is no different. Annual service, which is recommended in the fall, includes running diagnostic tests to ensure all the components of your furnace are running smoothly, conducting safety inspections including testing for carbon monoxide, and checking the condition of all mechanical and electrical components to ensure they are working properly.

Another important reason to have annual maintenance check is duct work. Replacing duct work is expensive and with the annual maintenance technicians provide inspection of the duct work throughout your home. Duct work can accumulate debris, which can restrict airflow or cause excess allergens to be distributed throughout your home. Additionally, since most ductwork is located under the house, inspection is required to ensure there are no tears or damage that would cause airflow to be reduced.

In addition to the annual maintenance performed by the technicians, there are some things you can do on your own to ensure your furnace is working as efficiently as possible. Your Berico technician can tell you how often you should replace your air filters. A dirty filter can cause your furnace unit to work harder, which means it will take longer to heat your home and places more strain on the unit to heat your home. Of course, if your unit is working harder, then your energy costs increases, as well.

Don’t forget about the thermostat. The thermostat tells your furnace or HVAC unit how much heat it should be providing. A faulty thermostat can result in either too much heat or not enough heat in your home. While some units may need to be replaced, sometimes dust can cause the thermostats to malfunction, as well. Cleaning the thermostat is pretty easy. Simply use a small paintbrush to gently wipe off any dust or debris that has accumulated on the thermostat components.

For your annual maintenance and furnace repairs in Greensboro NC, Berico Fuels in Greensboro, NC offers a Silver Plan for your annual maintenance needs. The Silver Plan include 20% off all repairs and diagnostic fees, priority service for annual contract holders, no after-hours charges and $50 Bonus Bucks – Loyalty Credit.

Customers may order filters at and use the Berico code of C4Q2 for free shipping and discounted pricing.

Remember, fall is the best time to have your furnace in Greensboro checked to ensure that you stay warm and cozy this winter! Call us today at 336-273-8663.

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How to Prepare Your Home Furnace for Winter

furnace repair EdenAs fall approaches and the cool breezes start to blow, it’s time to prepare your home for winter. Preparing your home for winter will help you to save energy, lower your utility bills, and keep your home cozy on cold days.

  1. Seal up your home. There may be places where cold air can seep into your home, often around windows and doors. Seal up any cracks around window frames and door frames and check the weather stripping around your exterior doors to make sure there are no gaps.
  2. Change your filters. You should change your filters often during the heating season to keep dust and allergens from circulating through your furnace, ductwork, and around your home. If it’s been more than a month since you’ve last replaced your filters, fall is a good time to do so.
  3. Check your ducts. Leaky ducts can allow warm air to seep out and cold air to seep in. Seal up any obvious leaks or hire a professional to inspect your ducts for any weak spots. Ductwork should also be properly insulated.
  4. Schedule furnace maintenance. Fall is the best time to schedule furnace repair in Eden. Yearly maintenance and repair will keep your furnace running smoothly and efficiently throughout the cold winter months.
  5. Replace your furnace, if necessary. If your furnace is getting old or has been requiring frequent repairs, it may be time to replace it. Fall is the best time to replace your furnace if you are worried it won’t last through another winter. Avoid a chilly situation by having the replacement done before the cold weather sets in.

Fall Furnace Repair in Eden is an Important Step in Preparing your Home for Winter

When it comes to getting your home ready for winter, your goal should be to keep your home warm and cozy as energy-efficiently and as cost-effectively as possible. Furnace maintenance is the best way to keep your furnace running efficiently and avoid problems.

To schedule furnace repair, call Berico at (336)623-9741.

Furnace Repair and Maintenance Tips to Prepare for Winter

furnace repair BurlingtonAs the summer comes to an end and the fall season is upon us, it’s time to prepare your furnace for winter. There are some things you can do to get ready for winter, but the best solution for furnace repair in Burlington is to contact your local HVAC technician. In any case, it’s always wise to be prepared before that first cold fall night.

  • Change your filters. Filters should be replaced monthly, but if it has been a while since you last changed them, fall is a good time to do so.
  • Clean the area around your furnace. This keeps excess dirt, dust, and debris from getting into your system and helps your filters to last longer.
  • Check your thermostat. Make sure your furnace turns on when you switch it to heat. Check to see that the temperature reading is accurate. Some thermostats even alert you when your filters need replaced or if there are other problems with the system. If you don’t already have a programmable thermostat, this is a great time to have one installed. You can save a lot of energy by programming your thermostat to heat to different temperatures at different times based on your household’s needs.
  • Have your propane or heating oil tank refilled. If you have a propane or oil furnace, the tank needs to be refilled periodically. If you are not already on automatic refills with your fuel supplier, fall is a good time to schedule a refill. Consider getting on a regular delivery plan so that you won’t have to worry about running out or remembering to call for refills.
  • Schedule maintenance. Furnace repair as part of regular maintenance is the best thing you can do for your heating system. If you want to avoid unexpected breakdowns and keep your furnace running efficiently, fall is the best time to schedule a tune-up.

To schedule furnace repair in Burlington, fuel delivery, or for other furnace maintenance tips contact Berico at (336)226-9371.

5 Signs Your Furnace is in Need of Maintenance

furnace maintenance BurlingtonIs your furnace acting up? Are you noticing strange noises, smells, or other unusual things? It may not always be obvious when your furnace isn’t working right. Changes come on gradually sometimes and you may not notice the difference. If you are wondering if your furnace may need a tune-up, look for these 5 signs you need furnace maintenance in Burlington.

  1. Strange noises. If you notice different sounds coming from your furnace, it may indicate a problem. It may be that your system is running louder than it used to. Worn or wearing out parts can cause your system to run louder. Having HVAC maintenance performed will find and repair or replace any bad parts.
  2. Rising energy bills. Does your monthly energy bill keep getting higher each month? Is your bill higher this year than it was last year? Dust, dirt, and soot build up in your furnace over time, gradually reducing its efficiency. Maintenance includes furnace cleaning that will restore energy-efficiency to your heating system.
  3. Unusual smells. Are you noticing unusual smells coming from your furnace or the vents in your home? Sometimes when you first turn on your furnace in the fall you notice a slight burning smell. This is normal and will soon dissipate. But if the burning smell doesn’t go away or gets stronger, you should turn off your furnace and call for repair. If you smell gas or propane, you should also turn off your furnace and call your HVAC service right away.
  4. No heat. This is a more obvious sign of a problem. If you aren’t getting any heat from your furnace, check your pilot light and your thermostat. If all seems well but you still have no heat, call Berico to come check it out.
  5. Carbon monoxide detector alarm goes off. Excess carbon monoxide is detected when too much soot has built up in your furnace or if there is a problem with the ventilation. Get out of the house immediately and contact Berico.

Preventative Furnace Maintenance in Burlington Saves You Money and Averts Problems

If you want to save money on your energy bill each month and prevent future problems that may result in costly repairs, schedule furnace maintenance with Berico. Yearly maintenance will extend the life of your furnace and keep your home safe and healthy.

For furnace maintenance in Burlington, call (336)226-9371.

Greensboro Air Conditioning is a Cool Idea for the Summer

Greensboro Air Conditioning is a Cool Idea for the Summer


The long, hot days of summer are right around the corner. Cookouts with friends, play dates at the pool, and visits to the coast are within our reach. And with the summer days comes another convenience we can look forward to, the ability to stay cool inside of our homes. Thanks to our Greensboro air conditioning systems, we can enjoy fresh and cool air throughout the entire summer. This was not always the case, and at Carolina Fuels, we would like to take you on a trip to learn how air conditioning has helped our country become a better place. After all, with today’s modern appliances and homes, it is easy to forget just how important air conditioning is to our comfort in the heat of the summer. Just as laptops and cell phones are imperative in our society today, so is the use of air conditioners to cool homes and office buildings.

Air Conditioning Will Work More Efficiently with Annual Maintenance

Keeping your Greensboro or Eden air conditioner in top shape is essential so you can avoid costly repairs during the hottest days of the summer. At Carolina Fuels, we provide annual maintenance that includes cleaning your air conditioner, providing a complete inspection and tightening connections to ensure that it will work efficiently and provide maximum cool air to circulate in your home or business. Let’s explore some of the neat historical facts about air conditioning, as mentioned in the site:

Movie theaters were among the first places most people encountered artificially cooled air. In fact, theaters would advertise their “Refrigerated Air”. Moviemakers released their big pictures during the summer because people sought out the air-conditioned buildings to escape the heat.”

Refreshingly Cool Air in Movie Theaters and in your Home

If you find that you visit movie theaters more often during the summer months, you are not alone. It’s refreshing to sit in a highly air conditioned theater to cool off from the heat and enjoy a great film. That is why a lot of the summer blockbuster movies are released, since producers know that there will be a higher percentage of moviegoers during this time. If you have a home theater in your house, you can create the same environment of a larger theater by providing excellent air conditioning, not to mention the buttered popcorn. If your Greensboro air conditioning system is not working as efficiently as it used to, contact Carolina Fuels to do a diagnostic evaluation to see if a cooling repair or replacement is necessary. Our knowledgeable and trained technician will inspect your HVAC system. If a replacement is needed, we offer high efficiency air conditioners that will provide refreshing comfort with cost savings on your utility bills. Beside helping the film industry, did you know that air conditioning helped the U.S. government?

Even the government would shut down during parts of the summer. Before central air conditioning, the government took a summer vacation along with school. In fact, some historians blame the growth of federal bureaucracy on air-conditioning, since it allowed lawmakers to stay in session longer.”

Our Government Depends on Central AC

Politicians and government employees are working harder for our country, now that air conditioning is the mainstream for cooling large, commercial buildings and homes. No more long vacations for the federal government, they work throughout the summer with their central AC system working at full capacity. If your commercial building is not cooling properly, or you are ready for an upgrade, call Carolina Fuels for a service visit to restore your system to peak performance level. Or, we can measure your square footage, examine your ductwork, inspect your vents, and provide you with information on Greensboro air conditioning systems that are within your budget and efficiency needs. Our installation team offers convenient scheduling, so your business will experience minimal downtime to have a new air conditioner installed.

Looking for a cool idea this summer? Cool off with top brand air conditioning systems, maintenance, and repairs at Carolina Fuels. The Southeast has a long warm season, and it is essential to be prepared for it so you can enjoy every minute. Contact us at 336-623-9741 for high quality HVAC service in the Greensboro area. 

(Source: Fun Facts about AC History,, 2015)

Importance of HVAC Maintenance in Greensboro

HVAC maintenance in GreensboroThe average lifespan of a heating and air conditioning unit (HVAC) is between ten and twenty years. However, the actual lifespan also depends on how well you take care of it. While having an annual maintenance plan is the best option for increasing the lifespan of your HVAC unit, there are also little tasks that you can perform that can eliminate potential issues. For example, forgetting to change your air filters can significantly reduce the life of your unit.

Remember, your heating and air conditioning unit should be considered as an investment in your home, as well as for your own comfort. A well-maintained HVAC unit increases your home’s value and delivers cool air on the hottest summer day, while enveloping you with warm, toasty air on the coldest, wintry night.

Preventive HVAC Maintenance Tips

One of the simplest maintenance tasks is simply changing the air filter. When the air filter becomes clogged, then the HVAC unit must work harder. When the unit works harder, you pay more in energy costs. Most manufacturers recommend changing the air filter at least every ninety days. However, for homeowners with pets, more often may be necessary as pet hair and dander can clog airflow quicker. By changing the air filter on a regular basis, you can increase airflow and extend the life of your unit. A good rule of thumb is too check the filter on a monthly basis and, if it looks clogged, go ahead and change it.

Another simple maintenance task that you can do in between maintenance check-ups, is to check around the unit and remove any debris. When mowing, you should always make sure you mow so that the grass is blown away from your heating and air conditioning unit as this debris can potentially clog air intake and thereby reduce airflow. Plus, with fall almost upon us, the leaves will soon be falling and they can also block the units from receiving adequate air flow. One way to look at it is whenever something is obstructing the airflow to your unit, it is costing you money that you could be saving or spending on something else. A good rule of thumb is to maintain a perimeter of two feet around your air conditioning or heat pump unit that is clear from all debris, including grass.

Also, make sure you check the ductwork periodically to ensure there are no major air leaks, tears, or other issues. Remember, sometimes stray animals manage to sneak under the house and they can cause significant ductwork damage. Of course, if you prefer not to go under the house, then consider purchasing a maintenance plan for your heating and air conditioning unit, which includes an annual inspection of the unit, ductwork and safety inspection to ensure there are no carbon dioxide leaks.

It is important to have an experienced Berico technician perform annual maintenance tune-up each year.  Not only does this extend the life of your equipment, add efficiency on your fuel and electric bills, lower repair costs, but it is also mandated to uphold any manufacturer warranties you may have on your heating or air equipment.

Berico Heating and Air Conditioning offers preventative HVAC Maintenance in Greensboro, NC. Call us at (336) 273-8663 to discuss a service plan that can help ensure that your heating and air conditioning unit is running at its peak performance all year long.

Berico Grows with another Merger, Mitchell Heating & Air Conditioning Joins the Greensboro HVAC Division

Mitchell Heating & Air Conditioning’s merger with Berico will provide Mitchell customers with “always dependable” services such as enhanced maintenance plans, additional lines of equipment, including York and Lennox, propane and fuel delivery.

GREENSBORO, NC, May 6, 2016 – Berico Heating & Air Conditioning, a leading provider of heating & cooling services and heating fuels in Guilford, Alamance, and Rockingham counties, today announced they have entered into an agreement to merge with another Greensboro-based heating & cooling company, Mitchell Heating & Air Conditioning. The merger with Mitchell, a trusted 33-year-old Greensboro company, marks the next step for Berico who was founded in 1924. Over the years, Berico has become one of the area’s most trusted and reliable full-service provider of heating, cooling, and fuel services. This merger creates enhanced value for both Berico and Mitchell Heating & Air Conditioning customers. Furthermore, Mitchell customers can expect to see the same trusted faces coming out to their homes for service calls.

Berico will continue to provide Mitchell customers with the quality Greensboro HVAC services they have come to expect, along with new services such as enhanced maintenance plans, additional lines of equipment, propane and fuel delivery. “I’m convinced Berico will continue to uphold our standard of quality service,” said Doug Mitchell, owner of Mitchell Heating & Air Conditioning. “Also, they have invited our staff to join their team and keep the relationship strong with Mitchell Customers.”

Berico will honor all service agreements and warranties currently in place with Mitchell Heating & Air Conditioning. “Berico has always admired Mitchell Heating & Air for their excellent reputation in our community,” said Will Berry, Berico’s VP of Operations. “We pledge to offer Mitchell’s customers the best possible service, and will continue the tradition of comfort they have received over the years.”

To extend a warm Berico welcome to Mitchell customers ahead of the summer months, Berico is offering $20 off their first service call. Mitchell customers will now be able to easily manage their accounts and request service through Berico’s website at Current Mitchell customers can contact Berico for service by calling (336) 273-8663 or emailing

On April 14, Berico announced a merger with Reidsville-based Willis & Willis Heating and Air, making this Berico’s second merger within a month.

About Berico Fuels, Heating & Air Conditioning

Berico Heating & Air Conditioning and partner companies, Carolina Fuels Inc., and Alamance Oil Co., have provided residential heating and cooling, fuels, and service throughout Greensboro, High Point, Eden, and Burlington since 1924. Together, the companies offer propane, home heating oil, kerosene, diesel fuel, gasoline, and lubricant products. Furthermore, Gateco Oil Co., Berico’s wholesale company, distributes heating oil, kerosene, gasoline, and diesel fuel for their commercial customers throughout the Triad. In addition to fuels, Berico and its partnering companies provide service for all types of equipment, from oil furnaces and boilers, to air conditioners and electric heat pumps, and more.

For complete information, please visit: Berico Heating & Air Conditioning

Media Contact:

Berico Heating & Air Conditioning

2200 E. Bessemer Ave

Greensboro, NC 27405
