How to Prep for a Propane Delivery

propane deliveryAs the weather gets colder you may find that you need a propane tank refill. When you need propane in Greensboro, you can call your supplier to schedule a delivery. But before they arrive, there are some preparations you, the homeowner, need to make for the delivery go fast and smooth. Follow this guide to prepare for your propane delivery. 

Clearly Mark Underground Tanks

Do you have a buried propane tank? If so, you should always have it marked for your own sake as well as that of the propane supplier. It can also be helpful for any other service you may need that would need to know where the tank is located before digging. Keep buried tanks visibly marked at all times and check to make sure the markings are still clear before your propane supplier arrives. 

Clear a Path to Your Propane Tank

Before your supplier arrives, make sure they have a clear path to the tank for easy access. That means moving any large items or other vehicles out of the way and making sure there is no yard waste or debris in the path. On the rare occasion that there is snow on the ground when you are expecting a delivery, clear a path in the snow to where the tank is located. Clearing snow off of your driveway would also be helpful. 

Remove Snow or Ice from your Tank 

On the rare occasion that it snows in the piedmont region of North Carolina, it’s a good idea to clear the snow off of your tank. The moisture can cause your tank to rust or make existing rust worse. Rust on the outside of your tank can eventually rust through to the inside of your tank, which can be a serious problem. Also, as the snow melts during the day and refreezes at night, ice can form on the tank and gas lines, which is not good for either. 

Schedule HVAC Maintenance

When your tank needs a refill it is also a good time for a furnace tune-up. If you schedule furnace maintenance whenever you get a propane delivery, you can make sure your furnace is in good working order as well. If your propane supplier also handles HVAC maintenance, you may be able to get both done during the same visit, saving you time and money. 

Berico is a Top Supplier of Propane in Greensboro

Looking for a propane supplier? Whether you need a refill or you’re interested in switching to propane for your home heat and other appliances, Berico supplies propane to Greensboro and the surrounding area. Berico is also a complete home comfort service, providing HVAC maintenance and repair as well as propane. Sign up for a Comfort and Protection Service Agreement and you can bundle both services into one convenient, affordable package. 

Call (336) 273-8663 today to schedule propane delivery and furnace maintenance or request service

How to Extend the Life of your Furnace with Maintenance

maintenanceAre you looking for ways to make sure your furnace stands the test of time? Maybe your furnace is brand new and you want to get as many years as possible out of it. Or perhaps your furnace is old and you’re hoping to make it last a few more years before replacing it. Whatever the reason, the key to a long life for your furnace is maintenance. Taking care of your heating system can also help you avoid frequent furnace repair in Greensboro, which saves you money. 

Professional Maintenance is the Single Most Important Factor in Furnace Lifespan

Your furnace is a machine, and like any machine with moving parts, it needs occasional maintenance. Maintenance entails inspecting, cleaning, lubricating, tightening, and replacing various parts of the furnace. 


  • A thorough inspection is done of your furnace and related parts that will reveal any potential problems such as parts that are beginning to wear out or faulty wires. If anything is amiss, it will be brought to your attention.  


  • The furnace parts will be cleaned to remove dust and soot that builds up over time. A dirty furnace may malfunction or simply work less efficiently. 

Filter Replacement

  • One of the most important parts of maintenance is replacing dirty filters. While this is something you can do on your own between service appointments, your technician will usually take care of this during a routine tune-up.  


  • Moving parts need proper lubrication to avoid premature wear or excessive friction that could lead to overheating. 


  • Sometimes bolts and wires may loosen as the furnace runs and vibrates. Maintenance includes tightening up any loose parts. 

Replacing worn parts

  • When parts show signs of wear and tear, it is best to replace them before they break completely and cause your furnace to malfunction. Any parts that are noticed during the inspection should be replaced as part of maintenance. 

Professional furnace repair in Greensboro is the best way to ensure your furnace is in good working order, which will help it last longer.

Upgrade to a Smart Thermostat

A smart thermostat, otherwise known as a programmable thermostat, allows you to preset certain temperatures for different times of the day and even control your thermostat from your smartphone. Not only will this save you money by reducing your energy usage, but it will give your thermostat a break from running constantly, which lengthens its lifespan. 

Be Sure you have Sufficient Insulation in your Home

Your furnace will last longer if it doesn’t have to work as hard to heat your home. One way to ease the burden on your furnace is to make sure you have good insulation in your home and that it is doing its job by keeping the cold air out and the warm air in. 

Add Years to your Furnace with Help from Berico

Your furnace can efficiently heat your home for many years with routine furnace repair in Greensboro by the experts at Berico. With a Comfort and Protection Service Agreement, you’ll get yearly maintenance, discounts on heating fuel and repairs, and even credits toward new equipment in the event that you need to replace your current furnace in the future. 

Call (336) 273-8663 today to schedule furnace maintenance or request service here

5 Reasons for your High Energy Bill and How to Lower it

5 Reasons for your High Energy Bill and How to Lower itIs your energy bill getting higher and higher each month? It’s a common problem and it can leave you wondering why. Stop wondering and get to the bottom of the issue so that you can correct it and get your energy bills down. From paying too much for propane delivery in Burlington to poor insulation, here are 5 reasons your energy bill is too high. 

You need a new propane supplier

Not all propane companies charge the same price for propane. If your supplier keeps raising prices or charging you extra fees, your bill will reflect that. It may be time to find propane delivery in Burlington that also offers fair prices, price-lock plans, and monthly payment options to make your propane more affordable. 

Your furnace needs maintenance

When was the last time your furnace had a tune-up? Your high energy bills could be the result of a dirty, worn-out furnace that is using more energy than it should be. All you need to do is schedule a maintenance appointment with your HVAC company and your furnace will be running at top efficiency. Your bill will be noticeably lower as a result. 

Your furnace is old

Is your furnace more than 15 or 20 years old? If so, you have a much less efficient furnace than the newer models available now. It may be time for an upgrade to a new heating system that uses less energy to keep your house warm and cozy. The money you will save on your energy bills will offset the cost of a new furnace.

You need better insulation

Sometimes the culprit in an energy audit is the insulation. When the existing insulation is insufficient, cold air leaks in and warm air leaks out. During the heating season, a lot of energy can be lost through the walls, floor, ceiling, windows, and doors. Consider adding or upgrading your insulation and sealing any cracks or gaps around doors and windows. 

You need to switch to propane

If you have electric heat, you can likely save money by switching to propane. Electricity is known to be one of the least efficient energy sources for home heat, and you’ll see it in your monthly power bill. Switching to propane for home heat is easy and the savings are worth it. 

Alamance Oil Can Help You Lower your Energy Bill

Whether you’re looking to switch to a new propane supplier or start using propane for the first time, Alamance Oil provides propane delivery in Burlington as well as complete HVAC maintenance and system replacement. Get a free home energy audit to determine the different areas where your home could be more efficient. 

Call (336) 226-9371 today to speak with the experts at Alamance Oil about propane delivery in Burlington and other services to help lower your energy bills.

7 Winter Tips for your Home

7 winter tips for your homeIs your home winter-ready? When the weather turns cold there are certain maintenance steps you should take to protect your home from the effects of winter weather. From refilling your heating oil to protecting your pipes, here are 7 winter tips for your home. 

Refill your Heating Oil or Propane Tank

If your home runs on heating oil or propane, your tank will need to be refilled from time to time. Do you know if you have enough fuel in your tank to get through the winter? Don’t wait until you run out to call for a refill. Call your supplier of heating oil in Burlington for a delivery sooner than later. 

Check Your Heating System

Whatever type of heating system you have, whether it’s a furnace, heat pump, radiator, or any other type, it needs to be inspected and tuned up yearly. Schedule maintenance with your HVAC company or heating oil supplier in Burlington to ensure your heating system is operating properly and efficiently. A well-maintained heating system saves you energy and money. 

Inspect/Add Insulation

Check the insulation in your home, especially in the attic and unheated spaces in your home. Those are the places where cold air may leak in and warm air may leak out when insulation is insufficient. Add insulation where needed and consider upgrading to better quality insulation if you feel certain areas of your home are drafty. 

Seal Cracks

Another problem that can be indicated by draftiness is cracks in the walls or around windows and door frames. If you notice that your home is colder near windows and doors, they may need to be sealed. Add or replace weather stripping if what’s there is worn or insufficient. 

Get a Generator/Inspect your Generator

Winter weather can often cause power outages. Consider getting a propane or gas generator to power certain electrical appliances such as your refrigerator when the power goes out. If you already have a generator, test it to make sure it works or have it inspected to ensure it will operate properly when you need it to. 

Clean/Inspect your Fireplace and Chimney

If you use your fireplace, whether, with wood or gas logs, it’s important to maintain both the fireplace and chimney. Wood burning fireplaces need to be cleaned out and the chimney needs to be swept yearly. Gas log fireplaces need to have the logs themselves and the ventilation inspected. </span

Prep your Plumbing

In extremely cold weather water can freeze in your pipes and cause them to burst. One way to avoid this is to allow your faucets to drip when the weather is extremely cold. A better solution is to insulate your pipes to prevent freezing, which conserves water. Newer homes are usually designed so that the plumbing is in the internal walls rather than external walls so to keep pipes warm. 

Alamance Oil Can Help You Get Prepared for Winter

Many of the tips above can be handled by the experts at Alamance Oil. When you need a heating system tune-up, fireplace maintenance, generator inspection, or other home comfort services, Alamance Oil is ready to help. Call (336) 226-9371 today to make a service appointment today or request service here

5 Tips on How to Avoid Extra Fuel Charges

5 tips on how to avoid extra fuel charges - heating oil in madison, ncAre you looking for ways to save money on propane and heating oil in Madison, NC? One of the best ways to save money is to avoid extra fuel charges that can sometimes get tacked on for various reasons. Here are 5 tips on how to avoid extra fuel charges. 

1. Order before you run out

It is never a good idea to let your tank get completely empty because it can actually cause damage to the fuel lines and other parts of your heating equipment. If your tank is completely empty when your supplier comes for delivery, you may be subject to extra fees that come with necessary inspection and possible repair any parts that may have been affected. 

2. Set up automatic deliveries

The best way to avoid running out of heating fuel is to sign up for an automatic delivery plan with your supplier. Companies that provide propane and heating oil in Madison, NC can calculate your potential heating fuel consumption based on the size of your home, the weather, and the number of appliances in your household that will use the fuel. Your supplier will ensure you never run out by refilling your tank on a regular schedule. Automatic delivery plans not only help you avoid fees, they may come with fuel discounts. 

3. Buy fuel in the offseason

If you’re not on an automatic delivery plan, the best time to buy fuel is in the offseason. Having your tank refilled in the spring, summer, or early fall could save you money because heating fuels are not in as high demand as they are during late fall and winter. High demand leads to higher prices. 

4. Conserve fuel

Another way to avoid extra fees and high fuel prices is to conserve fuel in the first place. There are many ways to use less heating fuel in your home, such as:

  • Make sure you have sufficient insulation in your home and that there are no leaks or gaps that need to be sealed up to prevent cold air from entering the home. 
  • Schedule furnace maintenance to keep your furnace operating a peak efficiency, using the minimum amount of heating fuel to keep your home at the desired temperature. 
  • Set your thermostat to a lower temperature when you’re away from home or at night when everyone is sleeping. Install a programmable thermostat to make it easier to keep temperatures under control. 
  • By using less fuel in general you can keep your heating fuel costs low.

5. Lock in your propane price

Take advantage of price lock programs if they are available. You can save money and avoid rate spikes by purchasing your fuel before you need it when prices are low. The only disadvantage is that if fuel prices dip below your locked-in rate, you will still pay the rate you agreed to when you made your purchase. 

Avoid Extra Fuel Charges with Carolina Fuels

Fuel prices and fees are predominantly controlled by your supplier. The key to avoiding extra fuel charges is choosing a supplier of propane or heating oil in Madison, NC that values customer satisfaction above all else. Call Carolina Fuels today at (336) 623-9741 to find out how you can save money on heating fuel this winter and in the future. 

How a Broken Furnace can Pollute the Air in your Home

HVAC Burlington - Indoor Air PollutionHow’s your indoor air quality? Is everyone breathing easy? Or do you and your family suffer from allergy symptoms, asthma, dry nose and throat, chronic cough, or other respiratory illnesses? Your furnace may be the source of poor air quality in your home. You may think it’s working properly, but there may be some underlying issues with your HVAC in Burlington, NC that you’re not aware of. Here are some ways a malfunctioning furnace could create indoor air pollution.

Dirty, Dusty Furnace and Ducts

One of the biggest sources of problems with forced-air heating systems is dirt and dust that gets in past the filter. This can happen when the filter hasn’t been changed often enough and gets clogged. Air can’t get through when it needs to and the furnace works harder to compensate, pulling particles through or around the filter that would normally be stopped. Dust and allergens that get into the ductwork will end up blowing out through the vents into your home. It can also get into the furnace which can cause problems and impede efficiency. 

Poor Ventilation of Carbon Monoxide

If you have a furnace that runs on natural gas, propane, or heating oil, it creates carbon monoxide (CO) when it burns those fuels to create heat. A properly working furnace has a ventilation system that vents the carbon monoxide outside of your home. However, if there is a problem with the furnace or the ventilation, CO can be released into your home instead of outside. CO poisoning is a serious issue that can cause symptoms such as dizziness and headaches and can be fatal if not recognized and treated. CO monitors are needed in any home with a fuel furnace. 

Lack of Proper Humidity 

Is the air in your home extremely dry during the winter when your furnace runs a lot? A little dryness is normal, but severely dry air is a sign that your furnace may not be operating properly. If you experience a higher than normal amount of static electricity in your home and you suffer from dry nose and throat, your furnace may not be operating properly. Your furnace should be able to control the humidity in your home and keep it at a normal range. It won’t be as humid in the winter as it is in the summer, but it shouldn’t feel like a desert indoors. If you see a tumbleweed blow through your living room, it might be time to service your HVAC in Burlington, NC. 

Clear the Air with Furnace Maintenance 

An inspection and tune-up can usually correct these issues with your HVAC in Burlington, NC. In many cases just changing your filters can eliminate a lot of pollutants from the air. A thorough cleaning of your furnace should help to remove dust and dirt from the system as well. And repairing any holes or leaks in your ventilation system should prevent excess carbon monoxide from entering your home. 

Call Alamance Oil today at (336) 226-9371 to schedule an appointment for an HVAC tune-up in Burlington, NC to eliminate indoor air pollution.

5 Reasons to Quickly Call a Furnace Repair Expert

5 reasons to call a furnace expert - hvac maintenanceIs your HVAC system acting strangely? If you notice anything unusual about your heating or cooling system, it’s best to call your HVAC company right away. The longer you let the problem go, the more damage may be done and the more difficult and expensive it could be to repair. Some situations are even dangerous. Call for HVAC maintenance in Greensboro if you notice any of these 5 things. 

1. You smell gas or propane

If you smell gas or propane (a rotten egg or dead animal type of smell), get out of your home immediately and call a furnace repair expert from a safe distance. Your furnace should not be leaking fuel and neither should your propane or oil tank. But if they are, you will surely smell it and the danger is very real. If you can’t get your HVAC company on the phone, call 911. 

2. Your heat won’t turn on

If you can’t get your heat to turn on when it’s cold, you’ve got an emergency. Make sure your system has power and that your thermostat is set to a temperature that is higher than the current indoor temperature. If it still won’t come on you may have a malfunction with the furnace itself, and that’s not something to take lightly when it’s cold outside. 

3. Your heat won’t turn off

Conversely, if your heating system is pumping out heat and your thermostat is way over it’s desired temperature setting, you’ve got another type of problem. Make sure your thermostat is set to the off position for heat and call a furnace repair expert right away. Your home can reach an uncomfortable temperature very quickly and is also wasting fuel at an alarming rate if this is going on. 

4. Your carbon monoxide detector is beeping

It’s necessary to have a carbon monoxide detector if you have a furnace that runs on natural gas, propane, or heating oil. If your CO detector is beeping or making any noise, you may have a dangerous level of carbon monoxide in the air in your home. Get out of the house and call your HVAC company as soon as possible from a safe distance. If you can’t get them on the phone, call 911. 

5. The circuit breaker keeps tripping

If the circuit breaker your HVAC system is on trips more than once, it’s a sign there is something wrong with the electrical portion of your system. An occasionally tripped breaker may be normal, but it if happens repeatedly, you should call your HVAC company. Electrical issues could be serious if not corrected. 

Prevent Emergency Issues with Regular HVAC Maintenance in Greensboro

As with any working machine, mechanical problems can occur. But the chances of such problems happening can be greatly reduced when you keep up to date with yearly HVAC maintenance in Greensboro. Your furnace and air conditioner need to be inspected, cleaned and tuned up regularly to avoid problems and to keep them running at peak efficiency. When you forgo this crucial service, you are putting your HVAC system and your home at risk. Call (336) 273-8663 today to schedule your yearly tune-up.

Propane Furnace: 6 Winter Readiness Tips

winter readiness tips propane supplier in ReidsvilleIs your propane furnace ready for winter? When the weather turns cold you want to be sure you can count on your furnace to keep you warm. Getting stuck without heat on a cold winter day is an experience you won’t soon forget. Want to avoid such unpleasantness? Here are 6 winter readiness tips from your propane supplier in Reidsville

Have your tank refilled

Don’t wait for your tank to run low or run out on a cold winter day. The coldest days will have your propane supplier in Reidsville as busy as possible, so you may have to wait for a while in the cold. And running out of propane completely can cause problems with your tank and gas lines that will require extra procedures to be done. Be prepared by getting your tank refilled early. 

Have your tank inspected

Propane tanks can rust and deteriorate over time, which can cause problems with your home heat and pose a safety hazard. Whenever you have your tank refilled, your supplier should inspect your tank for any signs of damage. 

Have your furnace inspected, cleaned, and tuned up

Yearly maintenance for your furnace ensures that it is in good working order and that it is operating at peak efficiency. The best time for a furnace tuneup is late summer or early fall, but even into the winter is still fine, and better than not at all. You can avoid heating problems and save some money by making furnace maintenance a priority. 

Change your filters

At the very least you should change your filters twice a year when you switch from AC to heat and vice versa. Changing them quarterly is even better for your system and can keep more dust and dirt out of your ducts. Most HVAC companies will replace your filters as part of your regular maintenance appointments. 

Upgrade to a programmable thermostat

Now is a good time to switch to programmable thermostats. Save energy and money by setting your thermostat to automatically adjust your indoor temperature based on the time of day. When no one is home or at night while everyone is under the covers it isn’t necessary to have the heat set as high as you do during other times of the day. 

Check your insulation

Is your home’s insulation sufficient? It’s important to inspect insulation occasionally for deterioration and for cracks or gaps that may be letting in outside air. You may want to add insulation to your home and weather stripping around door frames. Seal up any cracks or gaps you find where cold air could be seeping in and lowering the efficiency of your furnace. 

Carolina Fuels Can Help Make Sure Your Furnace is Ready for Winter

Are you looking for a propane supplier in Reidsville that can not only fill up your tank but tune-up your furnace as well? Call Carolina Fuels at (336) 623-9741 to schedule a winter readiness check-up for your propane furnace and tank. The sooner you do so the better to avoid paying too much for home heat this winter. 


5 Reasons Why Propane Tank Size Matters

propane customers in greensboroAre you a propane customer in Greensboro, NC? Whether you already use propane, are thinking of switching to propane, or you have become a propane customer due to moving into a new home – it’s important to have the right size tank. Here are 5 reasons why the size of your propane tank matters. 


Propane exists as a liquid in tanks until it is boiled and turns into a gas. This process is called vaporization. In order for vaporization to take place, there must be enough propane in a large enough tank. A small tank, such as a cylinder, will not be able to fuel a residential furnace. A home using propane for heat will need a tank that is at least 500 gallons. 


A tank that is too small will require refills too frequently, causing your energy costs to rise. A tank that is too big will cost more to refill when you may not need that much propane. Having the right size tank for the average projected use of propane is as efficient as you can possibly be. 

Size of your home

When using propane for home heat, the size of your home will dictate the size of the tank you need. If your tank is too small for the square footage of your home, you’ll run out of propane too soon. If you have a tank that is bigger than what you need you’ll pay too much for refills. And if your refills are few and far between, your propane tank’s condition could deteriorate without you being aware of it and without your supplier inspecting it during regular refills. 

Household usage

It’s important to take every propane appliance into account when calculating household propane usage. Furnace, stove/oven range, water heater, generators, clothes dryers, and anything else that uses propane will need to be entered into the calculations. You’ll need a tank that is big enough to supply energy for all of your household appliances. 

Commercial usage

Besides residential, commercial propane use also requires the right size tank. With such a wide variety of commercial uses for propane, it can be complicated to determine what sizes of tanks your business may need. From small cylinders to 1,000-gallon tanks, you may need a combination of tank sizes for different applications. Some may need to be easily portable, others not. 

Not Sure What Size Tank You Need for your Propane in Greensboro, NC?

Berico can help. Berico has been supplying propane in Greensboro, NC since 1924. Using experience and precise calculations it can be easily determined what size tank you’ll need for your home or business. Save money and increase efficiency with a tank that will hold enough propane to get you through without excessive refills. 

Thinking of switching suppliers? Berico offers free tank swap-outs for new customers, making switching easy. Call (336) 273-8663 today to speak with a Berico representative about propane tank sizes and how to save money with automatic deliveries. 

6 Signs it’s Time to Switch Propane Companies

6 signs its time to switch propane companiesAre you dissatisfied with your current propane supplier in Yanceyville, NC? Whether it’s a customer service issue, a pricing issue, or something else entirely. There are some signs that can tell you that it’s time to switch propane companies. Unlike natural gas or electricity, you have a choice when it comes to your supplier, which is one of the major benefits of using propane. Consider these 6 signs you should find a new propane supplier. 

Fluctuating Prices

Does it seem that the price of propane keeps going up whenever you need a refill? Sometimes suppliers will advertise a certain price to entice new customers, but then quote existing customers a higher price. Compare prices between suppliers in the area to get an accurate idea of current rates.

Poor Customer Service

Is the quality of service declining the longer you’ve been a customer? Some companies put their best foot forward in the beginning for new customers, and then their efforts dwindle the longer you’re with them. If you’re not satisfied with the customer service you receive, it may be time to shop around. 

Lack of Availability

Is it hard to get an appointment for a propane delivery or other service with your current supplier? Perhaps they don’t have the staff to keep up with the number of customers, or perhaps they just aren’t making you a priority. Don’t put up with inconvenient scheduling. Find a new supplier that has time for you. 

You’ve Reached the End of your Contract

If you were under a contract with a certain company and you have the choice of whether or not to renew it, this is a good time to consider other options. 

Too Many Fees

Does it seem like your current supplier keeps adding on additional fees? You shouldn’t be paying for more than the price of propane and the cost of delivery. In fact, entering into a contract for automatic deliveries with a supplier should reduce your fees, not increase them. 

Your Current Supplier Tries too Hard to Keep You

If your contract has ended and your current company is already trying to convince you to renew, it could be a red flag that they are struggling to keep customers. When you ask about ending your service and they try to slap you with cancellation fees and other nonsense, it’s a sign you’re making the right decision in leaving. 

Make the Easy, Free Switch to a Reliable Propane Supplier in Yanceyville, NC 

Alamance Oil is a reliable propane supplier in Yanceyville, NC and the surrounding area including Burlington and Alamance County. Switching is easy and free, as Alamance Oil will swap out your old tank with a new one at no cost to you. When you sign up for an automatic delivery plan with Alamance Oil, you’ll get a variety of added benefits such as waived emergency and after-hours fees, discounts on propane, priority service, and HVAC maintenance. 

Become a valued customer of Alamance Oil today. Call (336) 226-9371 to speak to a representative about switching today.