Signs You Need a Furnace Replacement and Not a Repair

HVAC maintenance and tune upAre you having problems with your furnace? Sometimes the problem requires just a simple repair. Other times there is a more complex issue with your system that needs to be addressed. How do you know when a furnace is worth repairing and when it should be replaced? There are some common signs that may indicate your furnace is on its last legs. If you notice any or a combination of the following, it may be time to find an HVAC contractor for furnace replacement in Greensboro.


Frequent Repairs are Needed

Have you had your furnace repaired more than once this year? One tune up or one repair should be all that is needed in a single heating season. If your furnace continues to have problems even after it has been repaired or tuned up, it may mean that it is time to replace it. Multiple problems in a short period of time suggest that your furnace may not be ready to handle a whole season of cold weather. And by continuing to repair it, you are sinking money into a furnace that may be a lost cause. Invest that money in a new furnace instead.


Your Furnace is More Than 15 Years Old

Furnaces have an average life span of 15 to 20 years. If your furnace starts to have problems and it is close to being 15 years old, it may not be worth repairing. Replacing your old furnace will likely operate much more efficiently than your old furnace, which will save you money on your heating bills and help offset some of the cost.


You Notice New or Strange Noises Coming From Your Furnace

Have you noticed noises you’ve never heard before coming from your furnace? If you hear a banging, whistling, scraping, squealing, or other noise from your furnace or the vents in your home, it is an indication that your furnace is not operating properly. The problem may be able to be repaired inexpensively. But if the noise indicates an expensive repair, especially if the repair is more than what your furnace is worth, it may be in your best interest to replace it.


Rising Energy Bills

Do your heating bills seem to be getting higher and higher each month? Is your propane tank requiring more frequent refills? It could be that your furnace is using up too much energy due to a mechanical problem. It could also be that your furnace is showing signs of age and is not working as efficiently as it once did. A thorough cleaning and a tune up could restore it to efficient operation, but if not, it may be time to replace it with a high-efficiency furnace that could save you money.


Cycling On and Off Repeatedly

Does your furnace turn on, run for a few seconds, and turn off again? Does this cycle keep repeating itself without reaching the desired temperature in your home? This is sometimes just an indication that your furnace needs to be cleaned. But it can also indicate a more severe problem that could be expensive to fix. If your furnace seems to be constantly running without sufficiently heating your home, it may be time to consider furnace replacement in Greensboro.


Your Home Has Warm and Cool Spots

Do some rooms in your home feel warm and cozy while others are cool and drafty? Uneven heating is another indication that a furnace is not operating as it should. For a new furnace, this can mean that it is simply not big enough to sufficiently heat the total square footage of your home. But if it is an old furnace, and the problem is new, you may need to upgrade to a new furnace.


Problems with the Pilot Light

Pilot lights are designed to light automatically in newer furnaces. When the thermostat calls for heat, the pilot light is electrically lit and the furnace fires up. If the pilot light won’t light for some reason, the furnace can’t create heat. Sometimes this is just a problem with the electric starter, but other times it is a deeper issue that can indicate that a furnace is close to breaking down.


Experiencing Furnace Problems? Berico Can Help

When your furnace isn’t working properly, it can be frustrating. You may hope that it can be repaired inexpensively, but sometimes an old furnace just needs to be replaced. Berico provides reliable furnace replacement in Greensboro if repair isn’t the best option.


Call (336) 273-8663 or request service today. Berico offers specials and financing to make your new furnace more affordable.

The Benefits of Propane Energy

propane tankWhen it comes to energy sources for home and business, it may surprise you to hear that electricity is not your only option. If that doesn’t surprise you, then the sheer magnitude of advantages propane has over electricity just might.

The top factors to consider when looking into propane in Reidsville are efficiency, cost, and availability. You may also be concerned about environmental impact. Taking all of this into consideration, propane comes out on top.

A High-Efficiency Energy Source

Propane is known for its energy efficiency. It burns extremely hot, which is what makes it an excellent source of heat and energy. It keeps homes cozy in the winter because it creates a radiant, residual heat that lasts. It heats water faster, allowing your hot water supply to recover almost immediately. Cooking with propane is not only more efficient than electricity, but it is preferred by culinary experts as it is known to cook food faster and more evenly.

Cost of Propane is Reasonable and Steady

While it may seem that propane is comparable to the cost of other energy sources, you’ll get more for your money. The efficiency of propane allows it to go a long way, meaning you’ll save money on energy costs in the long run. Propane prices also tend to remain steady as it is processed almost entirely in the US and does not rely on overseas oil prices.

Propane is Readily Available to All Areas

A major advantage of propane is its availability. Wherever you are, you can receive delivery of propane, Reidsville and the surrounding area notwithstanding. No matter how rural your home, you’ll always have access to propane. And when the power goes out and the power company takes their time getting to the rural areas, you’ll still have propane to keep you warm and allow you to get things done.

Environmentally Friendly Energy

One of the biggest misconceptions about electricity is that it is better for the environment than other energy sources. The reality is that the majority of electricity produced in the eastern US is created by burning coal, which pollutes the air and surrounding environment with coal ash. Propane, on the other hand, is a by-product of oil that is made clean and burns clean. Propane emissions are well within the regulations set the EPA. It is non-toxic and will not contaminate soil or groundwater in the case of a leak.

Propane is a Versatile Fuel

Propane can do more than simply heat your home. Your water heater, clothes dryer, range, grill, pool heater, hot tub, generator, and more can all run on propane. While propane appliances may cost more at purchase, the return on investment more than pays for the difference. You’ll continue to save money day in and day out as your appliances operate more efficiently for, most likely, a longer overall time period.

Carolina Fuels, Top Supplier of Propane in Reidsville

If you’re ready to experience the benefits of propane for household or commercial use, Carolina Fuels is a premier supplier of propane in Reidsville and the surrounding area. You’ll even enjoy additional benefits and savings when you become an autofill customer of Carolina Fuels.

Call (336) 623-9741 today to request propane or schedule a propane delivery. We look forward to helping you enjoy the benefits of propane.

The Importance of Getting a Furnace Tune-Up

Back to school season, Labor Day weekend, earlier sunsets–all are signs that cold weather is on the way. And with it comes cooler temperatures and eventually it will be time to make the flip from AC to heat. When’s the best time to discover that there’s a problem with your furnace? The first night temperatures drop low enough that you’re forced to turn it on? Sure, if you want to shiver in the cold while you wait for furnace repair in Greensboro along with everyone else who is facing the same problem.


No, the best time to discover a problem with your furnace is well before the weather turns cold. Avoiding unexpected furnace repairs is just one of many reasons you should schedule a tune-up toward the end of summer and early fall.


Your Furnace Needs a Thorough Cleaning

One of the most common reasons your furnace may fail to work properly when you first turn it on at the beginning of the cold season is the fact that it is dirty. Dust and soot build up inside your furnace and on the flame sensor causing it to misfire, cycle on and off repeatedly, or not run at all. A dirty furnace is also a fire safety hazard as well as a carbon monoxide risk.


A furnace tune-up performed by a professional HVAC service will involve a thorough cleaning of each and every part to ensure optimal performance and proper functioning throughout the heating season.


Potential Problems Can Be Discovered Early

A professional furnace tune-up also involves an extensive inspection of the system and parts. This inspection will identify any potential problems that may occur, such as parts that are wearing out or loose, wiring that needs to be tightened or replaced, or other signs of wear and tear that could be a cause for concern. In some cases parts need to be lubricated to prevent friction from causing premature wear or becoming an energy drain.


Discovering these problems early not only prevents an inconvenient situation where your furnace fails, but it also prevents a small problem from becoming a bigger problem that is more expensive to fix.


You Can Avoid Paying Emergency or After-Hours Fees

If your furnace quits in the middle of the night or on a weekend or holiday, you could be charged extra for repairs. Many HVAC companies are glad to offer emergency and after-hours services, but at higher rates. However, you can most likely avoid these extra fees by being proactive and scheduling preventive furnace repair in Greensboro before the busy season.


Of course furnaces, just like any other machine, can malfunction without warning. But this is much less likely to happen if you had a preseason tune-up performed by a reliable HVAC service.


Your Furnace Will Run More Efficiently All Season, Saving You Money 

Perhaps the most important reason to get a furnace tune-up is the fact that it can save you money. A clean, well-tuned furnace will run more efficiently and use less energy. If you want to get the maximum energy-efficiency rating out of your furnace, you’ll need to keep it well maintained with the help of an HVAC professional.


Whether your furnace runs on natural gas, propane, heating oil, or electricity, you’ll save money by keeping up with regular furnace maintenance. It is recommended that you schedule a furnace tune-up every year prior to the cold weather season.


Get Top Quality Furnace Repair in Greensboro From Berico 

Not all furnace tune-ups are the same. Some HVAC companies will do a more thorough job than others, making sure that your system is fully inspected, cleaned, and running properly. Ask to see a copy of the checklist the technician will use to inspect and clean your furnace beforehand. After completing the tune-up your technician should then go back over the checklist with you and explain any potential problems that were identified and the steps that were taken to correct them.


Berico goes above and beyond the standard furnace tune-up checklist to ensure every aspect of your furnace is as it should be. You’ll be sure your furnace is ready to keep you warm and cozy this winter.


To schedule furnace repair in Greensboro, call (336) 273-8663 or request service. You’ll be glad you made your appointment early for more flexible scheduling.

How Your HVAC Can Keep You Healthy

Your HVAC system is comprised of your heating and air conditioning systems. Together, they keep your home comfortable throughout the year, working during their respective seasons. But your HVAC system is doing more for you than just keeping you comfortable. HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. The ventilation is the key element that can have a positive effect on your health, and proper operation of your ventilation system requires regular AC repair in Greensboro, NC.

Your HVAC System Cleans Your Indoor Air

Your HVAC system helps by passing your indoor air through a filter. The filter removes dust, dirt, allergens, and other particles from the air. Some filters are more effective than others at cleaning the air, but all filters help some, as long as they are replaced frequently. Filters should be changed out at least twice a year, but quarterly is even better. In the first year in a newly constructed home or after a significant renovation it is best to replace your filters monthly because there tends to be extra dust lying around.

HVAC Maintenance and Repair Keeps Indoor Air Cleaner

In addition to replacing your filters, regular maintenance is an important part of keeping indoor air clean and fresh. Both your heating system and your air conditioner need periodic cleaning and tuning up. Parts need tightened, lubricated, and sometimes replaced. A dirty or malfunctioning furnace can release carbon monoxide into your home in levels that are too low for your CO detector to sense but that can still be harmful. (And if you haven’t replaced your CO detectors recently, it may be time.) An underperforming air conditioner can fail to control the humidity, leading to growth of mold and mildew that could be polluting your indoor air. To ensure your HVAC system is working properly, AC repair in Greensboro, NC should be a regular part of your routine.

Add an Air Purification System to Your HVAC System for Cleaner Air

Another way your HVAC system can improve your health is through an air purifier. Certain air purification systems are designed to work with your HVAC system to filter out pathogens and toxins from the air, including bacteria and viruses. This includes all types of viruses from the common cold to the flu and even coronavirus. Many air purifiers create new air molecules that are completely clean and fresh with no foreign pollutants. Consider adding an air purifier to your HVAC system to keep your home healthy.

Enjoy a Healthier Home with HVAC Service by Berico

Trust your home’s ventilation to a professional HVAC service like Berico. Circulation of clean, air is important for your health, and regular AC maintenance will ensure that your HVAC system is working properly to keep your indoor air healthy.

Call (336) 273-8663 today or request service to schedule AC repair in Greensboro, NC.


Why Propane is Safer Than Other Heating Fuels

gas stove litChoosing a home heating fuel can be a tough decision. Comparing the cost, availability, and other features of various fuel types can leave you confused and without any clear choice. However, there is one important aspect where propane beats out the other heating gas: safety. Propane is one of the safest home heating fuels available. It has many scientific properties and characteristics that make it safe, as well as the way it is stored, handled, and transported by propane suppliers.

Whether you’re trying to decide on a heating source for a newly constructed home or you’re considering switching fuel sources in your current home, here’s why you can count on the safety of propane.


Propane Has a Lower Risk of Explosion

The risk of ignition leading to an explosion is extremely rare for both propane and natural gas. However, natural gas lines are widespread, leading from a community source into each individual home. In the case of a natural gas leak or some other situation where the gas becomes volatile, it can cause greater damage through the lines and a potentially bigger impact.

Propane, however, is stored in an individual tank with a single gas line from the tank to the home. If the tank or the line were to leak or ignite, the resulting explosion would be concentrated to a single area, causing less damage.


Propane is Safer for the Environment

Natural gas burns about 50% cleaner than coal, however, it is still considered a greenhouse gas. Propane is not considered to be a greenhouse gas in terms of emissions; therefore, it is safer for the environment than natural gas.

Propane is non-toxic and does not damage ground water or soil if leaked. Natural gas has a low toxicity, but it not considered to be completely non-toxic. Both fuels are eco-friendly, but propane has a  edge over natural gas as it is actually a green fuel.


Propane Leaks are Less Common and Easy to Detect

Due to the strong rotten egg odor that is added to propane when it is manufactured, it is easy to tell when there is a leak. Natural gas has a similar odor added, but in its natural state it has no scent.

Natural gas lines are more prone to leaks due to corrosion because there are some discrepancies about who is responsible for maintaining and repairing them. The natural gas supplier tells homeowners that repairs are their responsibility if something goes wrong, but most homeowners don’t have the ability to maintain gas lines. The homeowner is merely financially responsible in the case of a gas line problem. The repairs are up to the gas company.

When you receive propane deliveries from propane suppliers, the tank and the lines belong to the propane company. Therefore, propane suppliers are responsible for maintenance and repairs of propane tanks and equipment. This usually leads to better upkeep of tanks and lines, meaning increased safety.


Propane Suppliers Ensure Safe Delivery

Another way propane is particularly safe is the way it is transported. As a liquid, propane is not flammable. It has to be heated to a very high temperature (940 degrees Fahrenheit) state in order to burn, and requires a very specific combination of propane and oxygen to burn at all. It has the lowest flammability range of all alternative fuels.

Natural gas is delivered through gas lines underground that connect to the source. The gas travels through the pipes at high pressures that allow it to take up less space. The pressure also propels the gas through the pipes so that it moves along unassisted. The risk, however, is that if a leak occurs, the high pressure can cause a significant amount of gas to escape quickly before anyone is aware. This poses an increased safety risk.

Ensure Your Home’s Safety With Propane from Berico

Of propane suppliers in the Triad, Berico is a reputable name. Berico has been providing safe, reliable home heating services since 1924 and continues to proudly serve Greensboro and the surrounding area. If you’re looking for a new propane supplier, Berico will get you started with a free tank swap out.

Call (336) 273-8663 today or request propane delivery.

iWave Technology and COVID-19

With the threat of COVID-19 there are various steps you can take to help to slow the spread, such as washing hands, wearing gloves and masks, and social distancing. Now that people are spending more time than ever in their own homes, indoor air quality is an important issue. Your home should be a safe haven from the risk of contracting the coronavirus. You are probably disinfecting surfaces and frequently touched areas of your home like doorknobs and light switches. But if the virus is airborne, how can you clean the air?

There has been significant research carried out regarding HVAC and COVID 19. It has been questioned whether or not forced air systems can spread the virus, as well as the validity of air purification systems in eliminating the virus. Current findings state that HVAC use is safe and certain air purification systems may be help to reduce the presence of the virus in the air.

How iWave Technology Reduces Pathogens in the Air

When it comes to air purification systems, iWave is one of the most effective products on the market. iWave uses cutting edge technology to reduce pathogens, allergens, particles, smoke, and odors in the air, resulting in cleaner, fresher indoor air. iWave uses natural means to separate particles without releasing any harmful byproducts.

Using patented technology called needle-point bi-polar ionization, the air is infused with positive and negative ions that break down gases into less harmful elements like oxygen and nitrogen and compounds like carbon dioxide and water vapor. The ions are able to remove hydrogen from bacteria, mold, and most importantly viruses, which causes them to die from lack of energy. This is how iWave technology may be able to reduce the presence of COVID-19 in the air.

iWave Works With Your HVAC System to Create a Healthier Environment

Conveniently, iWave can be installed in your duct HVAC system so that the air passes over it every time your heat or AC runs. As the air circulates through your HVAC system and throughout your home it is being purified. Viruses, bacteria, and allergens are being eliminated from the air in a constant cycle, also preventing them from settling on surfaces in your home. You and your family will enjoy a cleaner, healthier home now and in the future.

Low Maintenance for Years of Effective Performance

iWave is self-cleaning with no replacement parts, meaning you can enjoy years of maintenance-free air purification. With no maintenance, the initial cost of the system and installation is the only expense you will have. Other systems include filter and bulb replacement as well as other maintenance. But after iWave is installed you can simply forget about it.

Looking for Information on HVAC and COVID? Berico Can Help

If you’re wondering how your HVAC system can help protect your family from COVID, Berico recommends the following tips:

  • Continue to use your HVAC system as you normally would.
  • Be sure your HVAC system is properly maintained.
  • Add an iWave air purifier to your HVAC system.

When it comes to HVAC and COVID, research supports all of the above. In this time of uncertainty, Berico wants you and your family to be safe and healthy.

If you are in need of HVAC maintenance or you want to request an iWave air purification system, call (336) 273-8663 or request service.


How Air Conditioners Help You Sleep Better

Are you getting good quality sleep every night? Do you have a more difficult time sleeping in the summer? Between the heat and the fact that the sun comes up earlier and sets later, many people suffer from insomnia in summertime.

If you’re in search of solutions, one thing that may help is air conditioning. It is said that the optimal sleeping temperature is between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit. In North Carolina the only way to achieve that temperature inside in the summer is with air conditioning.

Is Your Air Conditioner Working Properly?

To achieve an ideal sleeping temperature in your bedroom at night you will need a properly working air conditioner. If your AC is broken or not operating efficiently you may not to be able to get the temperature down as low as you want. Air conditioning repair in Greensboro may be necessary to restore your system to good working order.

Your system may simply need to be cleaned. When dirt collects on the evaporator coil it can’t effectively cool the air as it passes through your system. Your refrigerant level could be low due to a leak that needs to be repaired. Dirty, clogged filters can limit the airflow through your AC. It could be that your air conditioner is not the right size for your home or that it is old and therefore not very efficient. Whatever the reason, either repair or replacement of your cooling system could be the key to getting better sleep.

Save Energy and Money with a High Efficiency Air Conditioner

Do you set your thermostat to a higher temperature in the summer to save energy? If you’re suffering in the heat because you don’t want to see your energy bill skyrocket, you could benefit from a new high efficiency air conditioner. But if you can’t even afford to pay more for electricity, how can you afford a brand-new high-tech air conditioner? This is a common concern, but a new AC will actually save you money.

First of all, you don’t have to pay for the entire system out of pocket up front. You can finance your new equipment so that you can make monthly payments on it. You’ll find that with a lower energy bill each month, you’ll have more leftover to put toward your new system. And once it’s paid for, you’ll keep enjoying the monthly savings for years to come. You can sleep better in the new coolness of your bedroom and without the worry of rising energy bills.

Berico Wants to Help You Sleep Better This Summer

Whether you need AC repair or replacement, Berico can help. Your technician will inspect your system and make a recommendation for the best course of action. If your system is old or the repair will cost more than it is worth, replacement may be your best option. If basic system maintenance is all that is needed to restore your AC to efficient operation, the choice is easy and inexpensive.

Call (336) 273-8663 today to schedule air conditioning repair in Greensboro and start sleeping better at night with an efficiently operating air conditioner.


Is it Time to Upgrade your AC this Year?

Does your air conditioner do a good job of keeping your home cool? It’s about the time of year to switch your HVAC system over from heat to cool. Is your AC up to the task of keeping your home cool during a long, hot summer? If you’re not sure, this may be a good time to consider an upgrade for your AC in Eden.


Signs your AC Might Need to be Replaced

If you’re wondering how you’ll know when your air conditioner may be on its last legs, here are some of the common warning signs.

  • You hear strange noises. Unusual noises coming from your AC may indicate a loose part or a mechanical malfunction of some kind. If the noises are new or start to increase, your AC may be ready to give out.
  • Your home cools unevenly. Are some rooms cooler than others when your AC is running? An AC system that is wearing out will struggle to keep a consistent temperature throughout your home.
  • There’s a musty smell coming from your vents. This is a sign that there may be mold or mildew growing somewhere in your air conditioning system or the ducts. Excess moisture is typically the cause, which can indicate an issue with your AC.
  • Your home feels humid. If it feels damp or humid inside your home when your AC is running, it’s an indication of a problem. A properly functioning air conditioner should be able to regulate the humidity in your home.
  • Your energy bill keeps rising. An AC that is malfunctioning uses up more energy than it should, which causes your power bill to rise.
  • Your AC is more than 10 years old. Air conditioning systems have an average lifespan of 10-15 years. If yours is 10 years old and climbing or has reached the max of 15 years, it likely won’t have too many more years of good operation in it. A new system will definitely be more energy efficient due to advancements in technology.


When is the Best Time to Replace your Old AC System?

If you do need a new system, the best time to replace it is before the onset of hot weather. AC installation in Eden can take a few hours and often the better part of a day. If that’s a particularly hot day, you’ll be without any AC and the temperature inside your home will rise quickly. It’s best to schedule the replacement for early spring when the weather is still mild.


Carolina Fuels Can Install your New AC in Eden

When you’re ready to replace your old air conditioning system, hire the experts at Carolina Fuels to handle the job. A reliable service with decades of experience replacing AC systems, Carolina Fuels technicians are trained and knowledgeable. Proper installation is crucial for your system to function efficiently and last for the intended lifespan.

5 Tips to Get Your AC Ready for Summer

Is your air conditioner ready for warm weather? As temperatures rise and you realize that you may need your AC soon, it’s important to make sure it’s ready to go. Don’t wait until the first hot day to turn on the air because if it doesn’t work, you’ll be stuck in the heat waiting for repair. As you do your spring cleaning and home maintenance, don’t forget AC maintenance. Try these 5 tips to make sure your air conditioner is ready to handle a long, hot summer.


  1. Change your filters. At the very least you should change your filters twice a year, and the best time to do it is in the spring when you switch from heat to AC and in the fall when you switch back to heat again. Filters are very inexpensive, but they are some of the most crucial parts of your HVAC system. Filters keep dust, dirt, debris, allergens, and other particles out of your ducts and the mechanical parts of your air conditioner and furnace.
  2. Inspect your vents. Walk around your home and make sure all the vents in your home are open and not blocked by any furniture, curtains, or other items. Make sure there is no dust or debris inside the vents. If there is, remove the vent cover and clean it out. If you have children, sometimes small toys fall into floor vents. If you have pets, pieces of chew toys or tufts of fur can end up in your floor vents. Ceiling vents are less likely to collect debris, but sometimes collect cobwebs that need to be cleared out.
  3. Inspect your outdoor AC unit. Go out to your outdoor AC unit and check its condition. Clear leaves, branches, and debris off the unit. Trim back bushes or weeds that may have grown up around it. Look for any dents or signs of damage from the long winter months. Also check to make sure the line leading from the unit into your home is insulated (usually a layer of foam insulation is wrapped around the line).
  4. Check your thermostat. Test your air conditioner by switching your thermostat over to cool and lower it to a cooler temperature than the current indoor temperature. You should hear your AC come on and the outdoor unit will start humming. After it runs a few minutes, walk around your home and feel for cool air coming from your vents. If you don’t already have a programmable thermostat, consider getting one to save energy.
  5. Schedule AC Maintenance. Even if your air conditioner seems to be running well when you first turn it on, this is still a good time to schedule professional AC maintenance. Your HVAC expert will perform a thorough inspection, cleaning, and tune up of your system, following an extensive checklist to make sure everything is in good working order and nothing is missed. Professional AC maintenance will improve the efficiency of your system and help you avoid unexpected costly repairs.


Schedule AC Maintenance with Alamance Oil Today

Don’t Get Caught Unprepared: HVAC Maintenance

Is your air conditioning system ready for another hot summer? It’s been sitting unused for a few months now, collecting dust while your furnace has done all the work. Unfortunately this is the perfect recipe for an AC malfunction. When temperatures rise you’ll turn it on, hoping for cool air, but what if something goes wrong? Don’t get caught unprepared; schedule HVAC maintenance in Eden before the weather gets hot. Here’s why.

Summer is a Busy Season for HVAC Services

If you wait until the first hot day to test your AC, you’ll be one of thousands who are doing the same thing. And you will likely not be the only one who discovers that their AC is not working. It could take a while to get an appointment when everyone else is calling too. If you had called back in the early spring or late winter to schedule HVAC maintenance in Eden, you could have avoided a hot, sticky situation.

High Heat Index Creates Unhealthy Conditions Fast

When your AC goes out on an extremely hot day, your home can become unlivable in a matter of hours. If you’re waiting around for repair service inside a sweltering house, not only will you be very uncomfortable, but you might even be risking your health. This unpleasant situation could have been avoided if HVAC maintenance had been done months or even weeks beforehand.

Avoid After Hours and Emergency Fees

Why is it that unfortunate events never seem to happen at a convenient time? If your AC happens to break down during the night or on the weekend, you could be charged additional fees to have a technician come out to your home after normal business hours. Preventive maintenance could have caught this potential problem before it occurred, saving you money and stress.

Can I Perform HVAC Maintenance Myself?

There are some aspects of HVAC maintenance that can be done by the homeowner, such as changing filters, clearing off the outdoor unit, and checking the thermostat. But a trained HVAC professional can handle the technical aspects of maintenance that an untrained person may not know how to do. HVAC technicians are trained to notice signs of wear and loose parts that the untrained eye wouldn’t notice. There are even adjustments that may need to be made to the electrical components that could be potentially dangerous for someone who doesn’t know what they are doing. For your own safety and for better results, hire professional HVAC maintenance in Eden.

Trust Your HVAC System to the Experts at Carolina Fuels

If you want to make sure your HVAC system is ready for the season ahead and avoid any unfortunate surprises, make an appointment for maintenance with Carolina Fuels. Knowledgeable, trained technicians will thoroughly inspect and clean your system as well as make any necessary adjustments. If there is anything that needs attention they will let you know so that it can be repaired or replaced if necessary. Then you can rest easy in your comfortably cool home for the duration of the summer and into the fall without worrying about your HVAC system.

Call (336) 623-9741 today to schedule HVAC maintenance in Eden or request service.