Is it Easy to Install AC in an Attic?

If you are in need of more living space for your family, but you don’t want to leave your current home, you may have thought about transforming the attic into a finished space where you can spend time doing various activities. With that in mind, adding AC to your attic would be a big help, as it would make the space comfortable even in the hot summer months. But how much of a challenge is it to cool this part of your home?


Working with Berico is the best way to overcome any HVAC challenge. Long respected as a leader in HVAC in Burlington and surrounding areas, Berico has the experience and knowledge necessary to take on even complex projects.


The Inherent Challenge

As a homeowner, you may not have a detailed understanding of how the HVAC works in your home. By default, the attic is typically not a climate-controlled space, meaning it isn’t serviced by the heating and cooling that moderates temperatures in the rest of your home. So, if you want to add air conditioning to the attic, there are some hurdles to overcome.


Specifically, the lack of ducts serving the attic is something that would need to be addressed. Depending on the design of your home and the current state of the HVAC system, you might be able to tie in new lines that can serve the attic. However, this will be expanding the number of square feet that your HVAC has to serve, meaning your current equipment might then be underpowered for the job.


Another Option

Going with a different kind of air conditioning system altogether might be the best bet if you want to cool your attic. A mini-split air conditioning system allows you to place air handling units in various rooms of the house, rather than cooling down the entire house all at the same time. So, for example, you could add cooling to a living room, a couple of bedrooms, and the attic, all through the same mini-split system. Without the need for ductwork, this might be a more manageable install than a traditional system.


Don’t Forget Insulation

Currently, your attic is probably not insulated like the rest of your home. So, if you were to add air conditioning without addressing the insulation, the cooling in your attic would be inefficient and rather ineffective. Before you even get to the point of putting in an AC system, be sure you have first addressed the insulation issue.


Proper insulation in your air-conditioned attic is important because of how hot an attic can get in the summer months. Sitting at the top of your home, the attic is naturally going to heat up quickly when the sun beats down – and without insulation acting as a barrier, even the best air conditioner is going to face an uphill battle. There are many considerations for turning your attic into a useable space, but Berico can work with you to either expand your existing HVAC or install one specifically for that space.  Don’t hesitate to reach out to Berico today, to get the help you need.

Is it Easy to Install AC in an Attic?

HVAC maintenance and tune upIf you are in need of more living space for your family, but you don’t want to leave your current home, you may have thought about transforming the attic into a finished space where you can spend time doing various activities. With that in mind, adding AC to your attic would be a big help, as it would make the space comfortable even in the hot summer months. But how much of a challenge is it to cool this part of your home?


Working with Berico is the best way to overcome any HVAC challenge. Long respected as a leader in HVAC in Burlington and surrounding areas, Berico has the experience and knowledge necessary to take on even complex projects.


The Inherent Challenge

As a homeowner, you may not have a detailed understanding of how the HVAC works in your home. By default, the attic is typically not a climate-controlled space, meaning it isn’t serviced by the heating and cooling that moderates temperatures in the rest of your home. So, if you want to add air conditioning to the attic, there are some hurdles to overcome.


Specifically, the lack of ducts serving the attic is something that would need to be addressed. Depending on the design of your home and the current state of the HVAC system, you might be able to tie in new lines that can serve the attic. However, this will be expanding the number of square feet that your HVAC has to serve, meaning your current equipment might then be underpowered for the job.


Another Option

Going with a different kind of air conditioning system altogether might be the best bet if you want to cool your attic. A mini-split air conditioning system allows you to place air handling units in various rooms of the house, rather than cooling down the entire house all at the same time. So, for example, you could add cooling to a living room, a couple of bedrooms, and the attic, all through the same mini-split system. Without the need for ductwork, this might be a more manageable install than a traditional system.


Don’t Forget Insulation

Currently, your attic is probably not insulated like the rest of your home. So, if you were to add air conditioning without addressing the insulation, the cooling in your attic would be inefficient and rather ineffective. Before you even get to the point of putting in an AC system, be sure you have first addressed the insulation issue.


Proper insulation in your air-conditioned attic is important because of how hot an attic can get in the summer months. Sitting at the top of your home, the attic is naturally going to heat up quickly when the sun beats down – and without insulation acting as a barrier, even the best air conditioner is going to face an uphill battle. There are many considerations for turning your attic into a useable space, but Berico can work with you to either expand your existing HVAC or install one specifically for that space.  Don’t hesitate to reach out to Berico today, to get the help you need.

Is it Easy to Convert Electric Heat to Propane?

gas stove litIf you have lived in your home for a long time, or if you have recently purchased an older home, you may have electric heat in place. While electric heat is rarely used today, it used to be an option for some situations. If you are still operating electric heat and would like to move away from that system and its cost, it’s worth learning more about converting to propane.


Berico is the ideal partner to change your home from electric heat to propane heat. With a proven track record of excellent service and competitive prices, you’ll love what Berico has to offer.


Two Main Pieces of Equipment

To make this switch, you will need two main pieces of equipment installed on your property. The first is a propane tank – and no, not the kind that provides gas to your grill. This tank will be much bigger, as it will have to provide enough energy to heat your home, along with possibly running other appliances. This big tank will be installed outside, and it can even be placed underground if you would prefer.


Along with a propane tank, you are also going to need a propane furnace. This new furnace will convert the propane that runs into your home into heat, so you will no longer be reliant on electricity as your source of warming energy. A new propane furnace should be expected to perform far more efficiently than your old electrical unit or electric baseboard heating, allowing for better performance and cost savings.


Adding Other Appliances

You can run other appliances in your home off of propane beyond your new furnace. Depending on the age and condition of your appliances, you may be able to convert some of them to propane, or they may simply need to be replaced with a new unit. Some of the possibilities for propane appliances include your oven, your washer and dryer, and more. The same efficiency and performance gains you enjoyed with your furnace may be available by upgrading other appliances, so it’s worth your time to consider each of them one by one.


A Professional Job

No matter how you look at it, the conversion from electric heat to propane is a job that needs to be left to an experienced team like the one at Berico. Installing a large propane tank and a new propane furnace alone is the kind of work that should not be trusted to a company without extensive experience in the industry.  The equipment required, and the potential risks involved, all point to the use of a trusted team to do the work.


With that said, while this is a job for a professional crew, it is not a complicated task. To answer the question from the title of this article, yes – it is easy to convert from electric heat to propane. By pairing with the right contractor from the start of the job, and having a plan for which appliances you would like to include in this conversion, your home can be running on efficient propane energy sooner rather than later.


What Really is the Optimal Setting for Your AC and Heat?

One of the wonders of the modern world is the ability to control the temperature in your home with just a push of a button or even speaking into your phone or your smart speaker. It’s easy to take the control your thermostat gives you for granted, but this powerful tool has transformed the way we live. Given the control you have over your home’s climate, what temperature settings are optimal throughout the year? The right answer is a little different for everyone, but there are some guidelines you can follow.


To keep your home’s air conditioning and heating systems working properly all year long, contact Berico for Greensboro HVAC service. Ongoing maintenance from Berico can optimize efficiency and help you dial in the ideal temperature and avoid costly repairs.


Understanding the Goal

Whether you are heating or cooling your home, one important goal is to avoid major temperature swings in either direction. Trying to change the temperature of your home dramatically – by more than several degrees or more – requires your air conditioner or furnace to work very hard and uses a lot more energy. A better plan is to consistently maintain your home’s temperature in a comfortable narrow range so the air conditioner and the furnace never has to work too hard.



Managing Your Air Conditioning

When the temperatures outside soar into the 90s and beyond, it’s tempting to crank down your AC even lower to combat the additional heat.  However, just like warming your home on a cold day, it will take a lot of energy to cool your home dramatically on a hot day. So, cranking the thermostat down is not recommended as it will not cool the home faster.  It’s a good strategy to set your AC to a moderate temperature that is still comfortable without demanding too much from your air conditioner.


Try 72* F as a starting point for your AC setting. You might even be comfortable going up to 74* F or so, or you may find that 68* F is necessary to keep everyone happy. Once you determine where you are comfortable, set your air conditioning at that temperature and leave it there. Since your home could get rather hot at night with the AC off, making it harder to sleep, you’ll want to leave it set close to the same temperature throughout the day and night.


A Winter Heating Strategy

While you are awake in your home, you’ll likely want to have the temperature of your thermostat set somewhere around 68* to 70* F. This is a comfortable temperature for most people, but you and your family might like to keep it a little higher or lower, depending on your preferences.


With that said, there is likely no reason to maintain that temperature all night. Keeping the indoor temperature at higher than 70 * F when the weather outside is much cooler does require more energy. Some people allow their home temperature to drop to the mid to low 60s while they sleep, keeping warm with a blanket. As an added bonus, studies have shown that humans tend to sleep better in cool temperatures, so you might find that you get better sleep in a home a little cooler than you might think.

What Really is the Optimal Setting for Your AC and Heat?

One of the wonders of the modern world is the ability to control the temperature in your home with just a push of a button or even speaking into your phone or your smart speaker. It’s easy to take the control your thermostat gives you for granted, but this powerful tool has transformed the way we live. Given the control you have over your home’s climate, what temperature settings are optimal throughout the year? The right answer is a little different for everyone, but there are some guidelines you can follow.


To keep your home’s air conditioning and heating systems working properly all year long, contact Berico for Greensboro HVAC service. Ongoing maintenance from Berico can optimize efficiency and help you dial in the ideal temperature and avoid costly repairs.


Understanding the Goal

Whether you are heating or cooling your home, one important goal is to avoid major temperature swings in either direction. Trying to change the temperature of your home dramatically – by more than several degrees or more – requires your air conditioner or furnace to work very hard and uses a lot more energy. A better plan is to consistently maintain your home’s temperature in a comfortable narrow range so the air conditioner and the furnace never has to work too hard.



Managing Your Air Conditioning

When the temperatures outside soar into the 90s and beyond, it’s tempting to crank down your AC even lower to combat the additional heat.  However, just like warming your home on a cold day, it will take a lot of energy to cool your home dramatically on a hot day. So, cranking the thermostat down is not recommended as it will not cool the home faster.  It’s a good strategy to set your AC to a moderate temperature that is still comfortable without demanding too much from your air conditioner.


Try 72* F as a starting point for your AC setting. You might even be comfortable going up to 74* F or so, or you may find that 68* F is necessary to keep everyone happy. Once you determine where you are comfortable, set your air conditioning at that temperature and leave it there. Since your home could get rather hot at night with the AC off, making it harder to sleep, you’ll want to leave it set close to the same temperature throughout the day and night.


A Winter Heating Strategy

While you are awake in your home, you’ll likely want to have the temperature of your thermostat set somewhere around 68* to 70* F. This is a comfortable temperature for most people, but you and your family might like to keep it a little higher or lower, depending on your preferences.


With that said, there is likely no reason to maintain that temperature all night. Keeping the indoor temperature at higher than 70 * F when the weather outside is much cooler does require more energy. Some people allow their home temperature to drop to the mid to low 60s while they sleep, keeping warm with a blanket. As an added bonus, studies have shown that humans tend to sleep better in cool temperatures, so you might find that you get better sleep in a home a little cooler than you might think.


When to Call an Expert About Your Propane Tank

Do you have questions about your propane tank? Whether you’re not sure how much propane you have left or your tank is making unusual noises, it is always best to call an expert. If you need a propane delivery or a repair of some kind, your propane supplier can help with these and other propane-related services.


Here are some situations when it would be best to call a propane expert.


Your Propane Tank is Low or Empty

Whether you know how to read the gauge or not, if you have reason to believe your propane tank is very low or empty, you should definitely call your supplier. It is best to call before the tank runs out completely because the lack of pressure inside the tank can cause problems. The best way to avoid an empty tank is to sign up for automatic deliveries from your propane supplier.


Your Tank is Making Sounds

If you hear a knocking sound coming from your propane tank, it indicates a potential problem, such as an imbalance of pressure. A hissing sound typically indicates a leak somewhere. A gurgling or humming sound may mean your tank was overfilled. Whether or not your tank was recently filled or it has been a while, contact your propane supplier if you hear noises.


There is a Propane Leak

If you hear a hissing sound or smell a rotten egg smell, you most likely have a leak somewhere in the tank or gas lines. Immediately call your supplier if you notice either of these.


Your Furnace is not Working Properly 

If the pilot light won’t stay lit or the furnace is not making warm air, it’s possible your tank may be empty or there may be some other issue. Call your supplier to get this resolved.


Berico Provides Propane Delivery and HVAC Services

Not all propane suppliers are HVAC experts, but Berico offers both services so you can get the help you need with one call.


Call (336) 273-8663 or schedule propane delivery today.

Questions to Ask your Propane Supplier

Are you considering a new propane supplier? Whether you’re using propane for the first time or you’re considering switching suppliers, it can be difficult to find a good one. What should you look for in a propane supplier in Greensboro?


Ask your current supplier or any potential new propane supplier these questions to help you decide on the best service.


Do you offer automatic refills?

Automatic refills keep you from running out of propane. Not only is it inconvenient to run out, but it is bad for your tank and gas lines. Look for a supplier that will calculate your usage and schedule automatic refills before you run out.


Do you offer free tank swap outs for new customers?

If you’re thinking of switching to a new supplier, it is important to find one that will not charge you to swap out tanks. Your current supplier will need to reclaim their tank and your new supplier will deliver one of theirs. Find a new supplier who will take care of this entire process for you at no charge.


Are your prices competitive?

Ask about pricing and how theirs compares with other suppliers in the area. Most suppliers should be around the same price based on the standard price of propane. Some suppliers may be able to offer reduced rates for deliveries because of other reasons or incentives. Ask how you can get the lowest price for propane.


Are you reliable?

Of course a propane company who is trying to earn your business will say that they are reliable. Ask them to explain why they are reliable and what they can do specifically to ensure their reliability. You can ask for references and even read online reviews to get a better sense of the quality of service you can expect.


Do you deliver in emergencies?

This is an important quality. If you run out of propane at night, on the weekend, or during a holiday, not all companies are available. Find out if your potential new propane supplier in Greensboro will make emergency deliveries if needed.


Do you offer HVAC repair and maintenance services?

It is extremely convenient to have a propane supplier who can also service your furnace and air conditioner. In addition to propane deliveries, it is important to have regular maintenance performed on your HVAC system yearly or twice a year. Ideally you can schedule one appointment to get your propane refilled and an HVAC system tune up.


Berico: The Propane Supplier Who Can Do it All 

If you’re looking for a new propane supplier who does all of the above and more, Berico can. Berico is an HVAC service and propane supplier in Greensboro with competitive prices and reliable service. Berico is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and on holidays. If you need a refill or have a problem with your HVAC system, call (336) 273-8663 or request service.

The Advantages of Modern Furnaces

HVAC maintenance and tune upFurnaces have been around for more than a century. The technology has come a long way since 1919 when the first central heating system was invented and it is constantly improving. If your furnace is more than 10 years old, chances are a new one will be more efficient.


Whether your furnace has quit or you’re thinking about getting a new one, here are the advantages of new furnace installation in Greensboro.


Modern Furnaces Offer:


  • Higher Efficiency. Modern furnaces are more efficient than those that are even 10 years old. Advancements in technology raise the AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) which means that you can heat your home with less heating fuel.
  • Lower Heating Bills. Since modern furnaces are more efficient, you’ll notice lower heating bills after your new furnace installation in Greensboro. Whether your furnace uses natural gas, propane, or heating oil, you’ll save money with a new furnace.
  • Greater Comfort. Modern furnaces do a better job of making your home feel warm and cozy. By making the most heat possible out of a small amount of heating fuel and distributing it more evenly throughout your home, you achieve a greater level of comfort than you would with an older furnace.
  • More Reliable. Reliability is a quality that cannot be replaced with any other feature. When you need your home to be warm on a cold day or night, your furnace just has to work. The automatic pilot is just one way that modern furnaces are more reliable than older ones. Common problems that used to plague furnaces have been nearly eliminated with advancements in engineering.
  • Environmentally Friendly. The more efficient your furnace is, the easier it is on the environment. Using less fuel is one way, and the other is emitting less pollution into the air in the form of carbon monoxide and other gases. Modern furnaces are much more environmentally friendly than older ones.
  • Automatic Pilot Light. Most recent furnaces have an automatic pilot light. This means that the pilot, the small flame that ignites the heating fuel, does not have to stay lit all the time. An electric component lights the pilot when the thermostat calls for heat. No more waking up cold because the pilot light has gone out and needs to be relit. It also prevents wasted heating fuel that a constantly burning pilot light uses.


Ready for a Furnace Upgrade? Contact Berico for an Estimate 

If you want all the benefits of a modern furnace, it’s time for an upgrade. Berico provides reliable furnace installation in Greensboro and the surrounding area. The energy savings alone will help your new furnace pay for itself over time. Consider a free energy audit for your home as well to discover any areas where you’re losing energy. Upgrading your insulation can help you get even more energy savings out of your new furnace.

Call (336) 273-8663 today or request service. Berico can help you save money with a new modern furnace.

Top 5 Things to Do to Keep Your Furnace in Good Working Condition

Dirty AC FilterAs the weather cools, the sun sets earlier, and the nights get chilly, your furnace begins its busy season. Is your furnace operating efficiently? Is it ready to keep your home warm and cozy for the next few months? If you’re not sure, it may be time for some furnace maintenance. Some things you can do yourself at home, and other things may require the help of a Greensboro furnace repair service. Here are the top 5 things you should do to keep your furnace in good shape.


  • Replace your Filters. This is the equivalent to your computer guy telling you to turn off your computer and turn it back on again. Whenever there is a problem with your furnace, 9 times out of 10 you just need to replace your dusty, clogged filters. You should change your intake filters at least every 6 months or quarterly for best performance.
  • Consider your Thermostat. Check your thermostat settings the first time you turn the heat on. See that you have it set to an ideal temperature and that the furnace comes on when you switch it to heat for the first time. If you don’t have a programmable thermostat, consider getting one. It can help you save energy when you’re home and when you’re out of the house by automatically adjusting the temperature setting based on the time of day. Many are controllable from your phone or another device.
  • Check your Vents and Ducts. Inspect all of the vents in your home and make sure they are open and not blocked by furniture, rugs, curtains, etc. Look over the ducts you can see, whether in your attic or basement and make sure there are no obvious cracks or holes. You may want to consider having your ducts cleaned and sealed if you haven’t done so in a few years.
  • Ensure Proper Ventilation. Make sure your intake and exhaust pipes are clear of leaves, debris, ice, nests, or any other potential blockage. If you are unable to access these areas on your own, consider having a Greensboro furnace repair service come out to inspect them.
  • Schedule a Furnace Tune Up. Speaking of Greensboro furnace repair, the absolute best thing you can do to keep your furnace in good working condition is to schedule professional maintenance every year. This inspection, cleaning, and tune up ensures your furnace is ready for the cold weather months.


Furnace Maintenance and Repair by Berico 

Your furnace is the most important appliance in your home during the fall and winter, but you may not realize it unless it stops working. Make sure your home is always warm and cozy on the coldest days and nights by keeping up with furnace maintenance.


Call (336) 273-8663 today for Greensboro furnace repair or schedule HVAC service.

How Does Your Furnace Work?

adjusting thermostat in your homeMost of us know that a furnace burns fuel to provide heat, but exactly what is going on inside our home heating unit.  If your home heat is sourced by natural gas, propane, or heating oil, your heating system would be considered a furnace.  Are you contemplating furnace replacement this year? If so, you may want to know how each type of furnace works. Here’s a breakdown of the different fuel furnaces.

Natural Gas Furnace

With a natural gas furnace, the gas enters your home through a gas line directly into your furnace. The gas is ignited and the flames heat up the heat exchanger. The air that is heated by the heat exchanger is blown into the ducts and out through the vents in your home. The cold air is then drawn back into the furnace via the intake vents and the process repeats. This will happen anytime your thermostat senses that the indoor temperature is lower than the desired temperature setting.

Propane Furnace

A propane furnace works the same way, except that propane is used instead of natural gas. Propane comes into your home from a tank that is stored somewhere on your property. You can have your tank refilled periodically to ensure you have enough propane to heat your home.

Oil Furnace 

An oil furnace works mostly the same way gas and propane furnaces do, except that it uses heating oil instead of gas. Heating oil is drawn into the furnace through a filter. It is then turned into a fine spray that mixes with the air when heating. Heating oil is also stored in a tank on your property and needs to be refilled periodically.

Berico Provides Fast and Efficient Furnace Replacement 

Are you in need of furnace replacement? Whether your furnace is getting old or needing frequent repairs, a new furnace will operate more efficiently than your existing one. Berico can help you determine which type of furnace would be best for your home.

Call (336) 273-8663 today or schedule service.