Tips for Evaluating Potential HVAC Companies

When you are in the market for a new HVAC company to work with on a repair or replacement project, you’ll quickly find that there are plenty to choose from in the region. Sorting through the seemingly endless options can feel like an impossible task, but it’s not as hard as it seems. This article is going to present some simple tips to help you evaluate the options and pick out a winner that is right for your needs.


Ready to get started without the need for further research? No problem – just call Berico for HVAC repair right away. This choice will leave you with a friendly and knowledgeable partner that is ready and willing to resolve all of your HVAC issues.


It Starts with Experience

There is no way around the value of experience in this industry. When picking from the many options available, be sure to pick a company that has stood the test of time and has been serving customers successfully for generations. For example, Berico has been in business for nearly 100 years and has left a trail of happy customers in its wake. You don’t have to wonder whether or not the Berico team is up to the challenge of handling your HVAC systems, as their capability has been proven over and over again for the last century.


Plenty of HVAC Services Available

You’ll also want to find a partner that is going to be able to handle anything that comes up with your HVAC system. In other words, you want to build a relationship with a company that can solve every problem you have, so you can avoid needing to go back out and look for a new contractor each time you have an issue with your system. Of course, it’s no coincidence that the companies that have been around the longest also seem to have the most services available, so these first two points usually come in the same package.


Read Some HVAC Company Reviews

Online reviews are a bit of a double-edged sword. On the one hand, reviews can be a helpful way to gain some perspective on the kind of work a given company offers. At the same time, you can’t verify the legitimacy of these reviews, and even the best companies are sure to have a few problematic customers along the way. Even former employees can leave reviews; So, when it comes to reviews, use them for an overview of the quality of the company, but don’t put too much stock into one individual comment.


Make a Call

It’s easy to fall into the trap of doing all of your research online, and that is certainly a good starting point. But that method will only get you so far – at some point, you’ll want to make a call and see what kind of customer service you are offered. If an HVAC company is willing to take the time to answer your questions and address your concerns on the phone, there is a good chance that they will continue to offer good service after you become a customer.

Is Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel the Same as Diesel?

Diesel fuel is a major player in the U.S. market. While it is primarily used in commercial applications, there are also plenty of private passenger vehicles that run on diesel. Specifically, bigger pickup trucks often come equipped with diesel engines, largely due to the pulling capacity that a diesel engine can produce. If you have come across the term “ultra-low sulfur diesel” when looking for fuel, you may be confused as to what that means and why it is important. This article will clear up any confusion and set the record straight.


When looking for commercial fuel delivery that is timely and offered for an excellent price, turn to Berico for assistance. Whether you need diesel or any of the other services that Berico has available – such as kerosene delivery – you’ll be in good hands with this experienced team and nearly one-century old company.


They Are the Same – Except They Aren’t

So, the answer to the title question for this article is a bit confusing. Basically, the standard for diesel in the United States today is for all diesel fuel that is sold commercially to be ultra-low sulfur diesel, or ULSD. In other words, if you were to stop by a gas station and use a pump to get diesel, you would be getting ultra-low sulfur diesel – there is no other option available today.


Historically, diesel fuel had a higher level of sulfur content. This led to dangerous emissions when the fuel was burned, so a variation that was lower in sulfur was developed to address this problem. By cutting back on how much sulfur is in the diesel that is used by vehicles and engines in other machines across the country, the volume of harmful emissions produced has been reduced dramatically. Both on-road and off road diesel (and heating oil) is now ultra low sulfur and is the only type Berico sells.


In the end, the history of diesel and the transition to ultra-low sulfur diesel doesn’t matter much for the average fuel user. All you need to know is that when you ask for diesel fuel, whether it is being delivered or you are using a pump, what you will receive is ultra-low sulfur. You don’t need to ask for ULSD specifically because this is the only type of diesel available.


Reliable Diesel Delivery

What is important for many businesses is that their supply of diesel arrives in a timely manner at predictable intervals to keep everything running smoothly. If your business relies on a steady supply of diesel for operations, be sure to turn to Berico to set up a delivery plan. Thanks to generations of experience, Berico understands that running out of fuel is simply not an option for your business. Their team won’t make excuses or let circumstances get in the way – instead, they’ll simply make sure you have your fuel time after time.


Not only can Berico keep your tanks full, but you’ll also be getting a great price at the same time. The savings are significant when you opt for fuel delivery, and working with a proven name in this industry will take one more worry off of your plate. Reach out to Berico today to learn more.

How Does Propane Heat Work?

There are many different forms of energy that are used to heat buildings in the modern world, including electricity, natural gas, and more. Propane sometimes gets overlooked in this conversation, but it can be an outstanding fuel source for effective and affordable heating. The article below is going to look at the basics of how propane heat works and why it is an appealing choice for property owners.


When a propane furnace is used, consistent delivery of that propane is essential – and Berico is the right partner for that task. With reliable delivery schedules, excellent pricing, customer loyalty benefits, and much more, Berico is a smart pick to keep your propane furnace burning steadily all winter long.


An Efficient, Effective Solution

Using a propane furnace in your home is a great way to heat the space without breaking the bank. Propane heat works essentially the same way that any other type of furnace works – the only difference is that propane is the energy source used to create heat and warm the air in the home. Here’s a breakdown of the basics of how a propane furnace gets the job done –


  • When your furnace kicks on because the temperature in your home (as measured by the thermostat) drops below a set point, the propane ignites and is used to heat up the heat exchanger


  • Next, air will be pulled into the system, through an air filter and into the area where the heat exchanger ix. This has the obvious effect of heating up the air that has been pulled into the system from the home


  • The newly warmed air will now be forced out by a blower fan and sent through the ducts and out the vents into your house.


  • The system will continue to run until the house has been properly heated based on the settings of the thermostat, and it will then shut off. This cycle repeats throughout the cold months of the year to keep your home at a comfortable temperature


Is a Propane Furnace a Good Choice?

If you are currently shopping for a new furnace, you might be trying to decide on what type of energy you’d like to use to heat your home. You could opt for propane, or you might be tempted by electricity to just be able to plug your furnace into the grid like the rest of your appliances.


While a variety of energy types can work for a furnace in your home, propane is a great pick for many reasons. It tends to be more affordable than other energy sources – like electricity – and propane furnaces usually last quite a long time. Also, there is the added benefit of the clean-burning nature of propane, making it a great choice for the environmentally minded.


Whether you already have a propane furnace for heat in your home, or you might go in this direction soon, be sure to reach out to Berico to find out about their propane delivery service and their furnace installation. With a trusted name like Berico on your side, you’ll always get a great price on fuel and your tank will never run out.

How Do I Choose an Oil Company?

Working with the right oil company can make your life a lot easier. And, of course, the opposite is true – picking the wrong company is sure to lead to frustration, along with unnecessary added costs and potential downtime. Fortunately, picking the right heating oil company is a pretty simple process when you know what to focus on and what to ignore. Consider the points in the article below to make sure you are on the right path.


If you are searching for the best “oil companies near me,” that search can be put to rest now that you’ve found Berico. Reach out to the Berico team today to learn more or to schedule your first delivery.


It All Starts with Reliability

Before you get into any of the other important factors in picking an oil company, you need to make sure any company you are considering has a reputation for reliability. The last thing you want is to be waiting on a heating oil delivery while your supply quickly runs out and you can no longer heat your home. Berico has been in this business for generations (nearly 100 years) and the only way to remain in the market for that long is to consistently deliver for customers time after time.


Fair, Transparent Pricing

You shouldn’t have to pay more than what is the fair going market rate for heating oil, and there shouldn’t be any surprise fees when you receive your bill, either. A good heating oil company is going to help you understand why the oil costs what it does, and you will be charged exactly what you expected to pay.


Other Services Available

Even if the primary service you need from a heating oil company is to deliver that oil, it’s nice to work with one that provides some other valuable services. That way, if anything comes up, you already know who to call and who you can trust with the project. For example, if you need to have your tank inspected or even replaced, you can reach out to your supplier and put that job in motion right away.


Loyalty Rewards
If you are going to purchase heating oil from the same company over and over again, you should be rewarded for your loyalty in the form of discounts and other benefits. Berico values each and every ongoing customer and provides benefits as a way of showing appreciation for their ongoing business.


Check Service Area

This might be an obvious point, but be sure to check the coverage area for any heating oil delivery company to make sure that your address falls within their stated range. Take care of this point early in the process when considering any delivery company so you can exclude those who aren’t going to be able to serve your location.


The Advantage of Size

Working with an established, proven heating oil company that serves a long list of customers will provide some stability that might be missing if you go with a smaller supplier. A larger company will have the ability to remain properly stocked with oil and other fuels, so you don’t face a shortage at exactly the wrong time.


To team up with an oil delivery company that checks all of the boxes and will make your life just a little bit easier, turn to Berico today to get started.

Are Gas Logs Expensive to Use?

If you have been considering using gas logs in a fireplace to add some warmth and ambiance to your home, you may be wondering about the cost of operating this kind of cozy fire. Sure, it’s an enjoyable feature to add to a living area, but is it going to be too expensive to use the fireplace frequently? This article will take a look at expected costs and how a gas fireplace compares to the traditional option of burning wood.


When working on creating a new gas fireplace, one of the first purchases you’ll need to make is a set of quality gas logs. These “logs” are what provide the look and feel of a regular wood fire, yet they last for years. Order yours from Berico today and this project will be one big step closer to coming to life.


Set Your Cost Worries to the Side

To simply answer the question posed in the title of this article, no – gas logs are not at all expensive to use. Once you have purchased some gas logs and had all of the necessary plumbing work performed to get your gas fireplace ready to go, the cost of running it will be minimal.


While the cost of natural gas or propane varies from time to time and from place to place, it will often be the case that you’ll be spending less than $1 per hour to run your fireplace. And, in some cases, the cost will be well under that $1 mark. So, if you are drawn to the many benefits of having a gas fireplace – some of which will be highlighted below – don’t let the cost of running that beautiful warm cozy fireplace give you second thoughts.


So Much to Love

Knowing that running a gas fireplace won’t be expensive, you can really lean into all of the advantages that this feature brings to your home. Some of the selling points include the following –


  • Ease of use. This is a big one, and it is the primary motivation for many people to make the switch to gas. Building a wood fire is often a laborious process – one that includes gathering up wood, cutting that wood down to manageable sizes, lighting some paper or other tinder under the wood pile, tending to the fire as it grows, and more. While the occasional wood fire can be a satisfying experience, it’s not something you want to do day after day.


  • Clean and tidy. Bringing wood into your home makes a mess. There is sure to be some bark and splinters that come off the wood in transport, and a few spiders may come along for the ride, as well. Gas fireplaces eliminate those problems, so there is no cleanup to consider after you are done with the fire for the night.


  • Looks great. A visually appealing gas fireplace can be a nice addition to a living room or another space in your home. Modern gas logs look quite similar to the real thing, and you’ll be able to pick from many different designs to select something you love.


Order a set of gas logs from Berico today, or reach out to the team if you have any questions. Berico helps make all types of gas logs affordable with great financing options.  Our team will be happy to go over these with you. In addition to gas logs, Berico can also set up a reliable gas delivery schedule to make sure your tank never runs dry.

How Does a Furnace Heat a House?

Central heating is one of the best possible features to have in a home. Simply by adjusting the thermostat, the furnace will jump into action and bring the space inside the home up to a comfortable temperature for you and your family. It’s a function that most people take for granted, but do you actually know how it works? Learn a little more about furnaces in the article below.


When you need to bring in an expert team for furnace repair – or any other kind of HVAC service – make a call to Berico to schedule an appointment. Berico is a leader throughout the Greensboro, Eden and Burlington areas and will be happy to take care of whatever issues your system may be facing.


A Simple Concept

While the inner workings are anything but simple – which is why a professional technician is always required for furnace repair – the idea behind how a furnace heats your home is pretty straightforward. First, it pulls air into the furnace unit from a central location in the house, and that air passes through a filter to make sure it is as clean as possible. Then, the air goes into the heat exchanger, a unit that has been warmed by using one of a number of potential energy sources. Furnaces can be powered by natural gas, propane, electricity, oil, and more.


Once the air has been heated by going through the heat exchanger, a blower will push it out into the ducts and toward the vents that are placed in rooms throughout the house. This creates an ongoing cycle of cool air being gradually warmed – and that cycle will continue until the home has reached the desired temperature. The process is controlled by a unit known as a thermostat, which can be set for not only what temperature you want the house to reach, but also what times of the day (and days of the week) you want it to run.


Potential Issues

Most of the time, your furnace will work nicely without requiring much attention from you. As long as the thermostat is set correctly, you’ll be comfortable. With that said, there are some things you need to pay attention to in order to get good performance throughout the cold part of the year. Here are two important points –


  • Having enough fuel. Depending on the fuel source required for your furnace, you might keep a tank on your property that is used to run this appliance. In that case, work with a company like Berico to stay topped up with propane or heating oil to make sure you don’t find yourself stuck in the cold when your tank runs out.


  • Dirty air filter. It’s easy enough to forget about changing the air filter in your furnace system, but that’s one of the most important HVAC tasks – and one that most homeowners can handle on their own. Change out the filter frequently to make sure clean air is flowing through the system.


Berico not only offers reliable and affordable fuel delivery but also furnace repair and installation work. Get in touch with the team today to learn more.

Is Propane Still Cheaper than Electricity?

Series of propane tanks

For the average property – whether it is a residential or commercial property – energy bills are one of the largest monthly expenses. With that in mind, using the most affordable energy source is an important step toward keeping costs low. Traditionally, propane has been more affordable than using electricity, but is that still the case? Take a closer look below.


While propane prices will always fluctuate based on market conditions, you can always count on Berico to offer propane delivery for a fair rate. Get in touch with the Berico team today to set up a delivery schedule or to have any of your questions answered directly.


Propane is an Affordable Energy Source

When it comes to energy costs, it’s tricky to say that one form of energy is “always” cheaper than another, because prices are constantly changing based on supply and demand, regulations, global conditions, and more. Knowing what type of energy is cheaper at any given moment would require staying up to date on the energy market in your local area.


With all of that said, propane does remain an excellent form of affordable, clean energy. If you want to keep your monthly utility bills down as low as possible, using propane appliances is a great way to go. For example, by opting for propane as opposed to electricity for your water heater, you should find that you spend significantly less over the course of a year to heat your water.


Other Motivations to use Propane

Yes, propane comes with a modest price tag compared to some other types of energy, but that alone shouldn’t be your only motivation for using this fuel. Fortunately, there are plenty of other reasons to go in this direction, including the following –


  • Kind to the earth. As one of the cleanest-burning fuels available, propane is a great pick if you would like to do your part to protect the planet. After all, much of our electrical energy is provided by coal burning power plants; so when you use propane instead of electricity, you are making an important difference.


  • The electrical grid is known to go down from time to time, often due to weather events. That won’t have such an impact on your life if you are relying on propane more than electricity for key functions around your home.


  • Durable appliances. Using propane-powered appliances is a good choice because of the long-lasting nature of those pieces of equipment. As compared to electric appliances, you may get several more years out of a propane unit. Of course, those extra years translate directly into financial savings, as you will be able to wait that much longer before investing in a new appliance for your home.


The Right Supplier

There is a lot to love about propane, to be sure, but that’s only if you have a trustworthy supplier on your side to keep your tank full. That supplier is Berico. With a history that stretches back generations and a reputation for excellent service and fair prices, Berico will make your experience using propane a good one. Reach out to their team today to schedule a delivery or to ask any questions you may have.

Are HVAC Maintenance Plans Worth It?

As a homeowner, you are not required to carry an HVAC maintenance plan. You are certainly allowed to just go along paying for your maintenance as it comes up, along with any repairs or equipment replacement needs that may come up. But is that the right way to go? For a lot of reasons, it’s usually not. With an HVAC maintenance plan, you’ll have a system in place that keeps your gear in good condition for an affordable price.


Berico is a leading HVAC company offering valuable maintenance plans among many other services. If you have struggled online to find HVAC in Greensboro NC, then turn to Berico and put those problems to the side.


Staying Ahead of the Game

Perhaps the best reason to invest in an HVAC maintenance plan is the opportunity it provides to stay ahead of the game when it comes to the care of your HVAC system. Basically, you have two options here – you can get ahead of things with the help of a maintenance plan, or you can always be playing catch-up. While the choice is up to you in the end, there is a lot to like about being proactive and building the cost of a maintenance plan into your budget.


For example, if you choose Berico to work with on a maintenance plan, you’ll know exactly how much that maintenance is going to cost for the year, so there will be no surprises along the way. And, since you are paying for the service already, you’ll be sure to schedule the service visit and have it completed. It’s far too easy to just write off maintenance and skip it altogether when you aren’t on a plan with a trusted Greensboro HVAC company.


Reduce the Chances of Other Expenses

Ongoing maintenance is good for your HVAC system because it keeps the equipment working as efficiently as possible year after year. Additionally, having the system cared for on a periodic basis will also make the need for other types of repairs less likely, cutting down on how much it will cost in the end to run your equipment. Preventive maintenance can’t completely eliminate the chances of a repair coming up, but it will improve your odds significantly. Between the added efficiency of the system and the longevity boost you should enjoy, there are only good things to say about what you’ll get from a maintenance plan.


Establish a Relationship

When you pick an HVAC contractor like Berico to team up with for a maintenance plan, you’ll be establishing a working relationship with that business which could come in handy later. Such a relationship will not only mean that you know who to call when something comes up, but it will also help you save some money. For example, with a plan from Berico, you’ll get a 20% discount on daytime repairs and some other services. So, beyond what it means for the performance of your HVAC system, this maintenance plan will pay off in a big way when other types of work are required down the line.


Click this link to learn more about the Berico HVAC Maintenance Plans.

Choosing Your Heating Oil Supplier

Getting your heating oil from the right company can make life a lot easier. Having your tank filled up when necessary isn’t something that should get in the way of your day-to-day life, but that’s exactly what can happen when you don’t have the right supplier on your side. Finding a good company to serve your needs isn’t difficult, but you do need to ask the right questions.


As one of the leading heating oil suppliers in Greensboro, Eden, Reidsville and Burlington – as well as the surrounding areas – Berico makes it easy to get the heating oil you need. Give Berico a call right away and you find that the phone is answered by a real person who is friendly and capable of helping you get exactly what you need.


Avoid the Common Trap

Without a doubt, the most common mistake people make when selecting a heating oil supplier to serve their home is shopping only on price. In other words, they make the decision based solely on the price that the supplier will charge, and nothing else. This is a way of thinking that is sure to get you in trouble sooner or later.


Does that mean you should ignore price in this process? Of course not – it’s important to get a fair price for your oil deliveries, and you don’t want to pay more than is necessary. With that said, making your choice only on the upfront price that you are quoted for the heating oil is going to lead you to overlook things that could be important later on. That means you might find yourself saving some money in the short term with a cheap heating oil supplier, but you’ll wind up paying for those savings later on.


More Than Just Delivering Oil

When considering various heating oil companies, what you really want to find is a partner who will be there for you when any heating needs arise. You don’t just want someone to bring a truck of oil by and top off the tank – you want an expert team that can help solve problems and make sure your home stays warm throughout the year.


For example, does the heating oil supplier that you are considering offer deliveries every day of the week and at all hours of the day and night? That’s the kind of service available from Berico, but some of the lesser suppliers in this business might not live up to that standard. So, if you find yourself in a situation where you need a delivery at an odd time or on a weekend, you want to know that your supplier is going to be there when you need them most.  And can your heating oil supplier provide the technicians that can help you maintain your furnace at optimum performance.  Berico, for example has the HVAC technicians that are experienced in working with every type of HVAC system.


Also, a quality heating oil supplier will help you set up a recurring delivery schedule so you don’t have to worry about managing the level of the tank actively. Instead, you can set up the delivery schedule and trust that your oil level will be kept at a proper level to avoid running out. Once your auto-deliveries are set with Berico, you’ll need to do nothing more than sit back and enjoy the warmth of your home on even the coldest of winter nights.

What are the Most Common Furnace Repairs?

Modern furnaces tend to be impressively reliable, rarely needing attention beyond annual maintenance and the swapping out of the air filter every few months or so. Of course, repairs are occasionally required. So, what kinds of repairs tend to be needed the most? This article will take a closer look at that important topic.


For Burlington furnace repair that will be completed properly and for a fair price, Berico is the right partner. As one of the leading options for furnace repair in Burlington, Greensboro, and Eden and one of the most experienced HVAC companies in North Carolina, you’ll be in good hands with Berico.


Starting with the Simple Stuff

There are certainly some complex, time-consuming repair jobs that occur with your HVAC system or furnace, but some of the issues you might face are rather simple and easy to address. Firstly, it’s the air filter that was mentioned in the introduction. This might not count as a “repair”, but it certainly is important. Changing the air filter regularly is one of the best ways to keep your furnace breathing freely throughout the cold months of the year.


Also, having the air ducts cleaned periodically is another task that is important in not just helping the furnace to operate at peak efficiency, but is also a good idea for your family’s health. While this is not a DIY job, it is still an easy task that will take an HVAC contractor only a short time to complete. Between having clean ducts and regularly changing out the filter, your furnace will have the clean air that helps it function at an optimal level.


Common Failures and Fixes

Beyond the basics, there are some mechanical issues that can arise with your furnace that will need to be repaired before it will be able to keep the warm air circulating. All of those can’t be covered in a single article, but here are some of the key issues you may encounter –


  • Blower belt issues. The blower is the component that pushes air through your ducts, and it is powered from the motor with a belt. When that belt runs into issues – either it gets out of the right spot, or it just breaks entirely – a repair will be needed to get back on track.


  • Cracked heat exchanger. As the name suggests, this is the component within the furnace that transfers heat to the air. When it’s cracked, this is a serious situation that requires immediate attention. Having it replaced by an experienced HVAC technician will ensure that your system is back on track and your family is kept safe.


  • Dirty flame sensor. This is a safety component that prevents too much gas from entering the space without an active flame to burn up that gas. It’s an important feature to keep everyone safe, but it can malfunction if it gets dirty. Having the flame sensor cleaned is usually enough to get the furnace working again, although it’s possible that you might need to have it replaced entirely.


The good news is all of this is that you don’t need to become an expert in furnace maintenance to enjoy a warm and comfortable home. For that, turn to the pros at Berico when you have any furnace problems, and one of their teams of technicians will be able to resolve the issue no matter what type of HVAC system you have.