Is Propane a Natural Gas?

Carolina FuelsDespite being used regularly by millions of people, there remains a lot of confusion about propane and natural gas. Are they the same thing? If not, how are they different? You don’t need to be an expert on this topic as an average consumer, but it does help to understand the basics and know what you are ordering.


When you are ready to schedule a Burlington propane delivery, the easy choice for such service is Berico. As the top propane supplier Burlington has to offer, Berico brings together a friendly and experienced staff with great pricing for a combination that is hard to beat.


Getting Your Fuels Straight

The answer to the title question in this article of whether or not propane is a natural gas is somewhat a matter of semantics. Is propane a natural gas? Yes – it is a natural source of fuel that is harvested from the earth. Is it what people are referring to when they talk about “natural gas”? No – well, not exactly.


Natural gas, as the term is usually used, refers to a fuel that is naturally occurring and is pulled out of the earth via drilling. When it is harvested, it includes a makeup of four different types of gases – methane, ethane, butane, and propane. It is methane that is the primary component, but all four are present. So, when you are using natural gas as a heating source, for instance, what you are using is a blend of those four gases (along with the added crude oil).


Using Propane Alone

Obviously, when you are using propane, you are using just one of those four gases that are found in the natural gas compound. While both can work for a variety of purposes, Berico is proud to deliver propane to many customers due to the many performance advantages it delivers. For one thing, propane is able to deliver higher temperatures than natural gas, which can be beneficial in some uses. Also, many different types of appliances can be run on propane, making it a versatile and practical choice.


Pricing Can Be Complicated

Don’t fall into the trap of comparing natural gas directly to propane in terms of cost without factoring in some other considerations. If you just look at the per-unit pricing, you are almost certainly going to find that propane is more expensive than natural gas. But that’s not the end of the story. Propane has a significantly higher BTU rating than natural gas, so you’ll need to use less of it to get more done. In other words, the value that you get for your money might wind up being better with propane than natural gas, and even if not, it’s going to be very close.


Don’t make any choices about the fuel you’ll be using at your home without talking to the experts at Berico first. With a knowledgeable team of friendly professionals available, Berico is able to help customers make the right choices for their specific situation. Get in touch today to learn more.

How Do I Lower My Fleet Costs?

Operating a fleet of commercial vehicles is an expensive endeavor, to say the least. It seems that the costs just keep coming, from ongoing fuel purchases to routine maintenance, one-off repairs, and more. For many businesses, the difference between finishing the year in the black or the red comes down to controlling fleet costs effectively.


This article will offer some basic tips to help you move in that direction. To work with a fleet fueling service that will always respect your bottom line, contact Berico today. As a leader in the often searched phrase, “diesel fuel delivery near me,” Berico has a proven track record of offering reliable deliveries for excellent prices.


Scheduled Maintenance is Key

This is one of those “spend money to save money” points that you simply can’t afford to skip. Ongoing, scheduled maintenance is critical to the health of a fleet, and to the management of your budget. If you skip maintenance steps in the hopes of saving a bit of money along the way, those choices are sure to come back to bite you later on. Create a detailed maintenance schedule and stick with it so you can minimize the more expensive, urgent repair projects that come up down the line.


Maintain Tire Pressure

If you have a fleet that racks up a lot of miles during the average month, even small things can make a big difference to your costs. One such “small thing” is tire pressure, as having your tires underinflated leads to increased drag and reduced fuel economy. Checking tire pressure can be added as an ongoing maintenance point to help your vehicles get the best possible fuel efficiency.


Get a Fair Price

Don’t assume that fuel prices are going to be the same from one supplier to the next. Yes, the greater market is going to have the most powerful impact on prices, but picking the right supplier can help to control your costs and make sure you are getting a fair deal. Using a proven name in this industry like Berico will put you in a good position to always get the right price on things like diesel, lubricants, and other necessities.


Monitor Driver Performance

The performance of your fleet is only going to take you as far as the drivers who are sitting behind the wheel of each vehicle. With so much modern GPS technology available, you can use one of a number of different programs to monitor driver performance and make improvements, as necessary. Again, it’s about tightening up the little things that will make a big difference. If you can even tweak a few driver habits that were wasting fuel and adding miles, making those changes will have a direct impact on your profitability.


Gradually Upgrade Vehicles

With very few exceptions, newer vehicles are going to be more efficient than their older counterparts. So, if you can gradually turn your fleet over and invest in new vehicles to replace the oldest members of your fleet, fuel and maintenance costs are going to go down as a result. You probably can’t go out and buy all new vehicles immediately, but making this a priority over time is going to put you in a better position moving forward.

How Long Does 500 Gallons of Propane Last for a Home?

gas stove litWhen driving your vehicle, you probably have a pretty good idea of how long your available fuel will last. Based on how much you drive, the size of your tank, the efficiency of your vehicle, etc., you’ll get familiar with how often you need to stop at the gas station to refill. The story is different with the propane tank that serves your home, however. If it gets filled up with 500 gallons, how long is that going to last? This article will take a closer look.


Tired of searching for “propane delivery near me” without getting any good results? Any search for the best propane companies near me is sure to reveal Berico as a top option for those in and around Greensboro, Eden, and Burlington. Get in touch today to get started.


A Disappointing Answer

It would be nice to be able to tell you that 500 gallons of propane is going to last your home for exactly six months, or some such number. Life just isn’t that simple, however, and there is no way to be so definite. First of all, it’s important to clarify exactly how much propane you are working with when your tank is full.


Yes, you might have a 500-gallon tank on your property. That doesn’t mean it holds 500 gallons when it is filled up. Because it’s necessary to leave some open space in the tank for gas expansion as a safety measure, your tank is only going to be filled up to 80%. Those with a 500-gallon tank will then be left with 400 gallons, and the math works the same way for other tank sizes.


With that much gas available, you should get a few months of service in an “average” home, but the range is so wide that it’s hard to nail that down with any degree of confidence. Factors that will directly impact propane consumption include how many appliances use this fuel, the size of your home, the weather conditions, and on and on.


Learning Your Patterns

The only useful bit of information on propane usage is going to come from your history. Rather than looking to others for a guess, just monitor the rate at which you use your propane during various times of the year. Pretty soon, an obvious pattern will emerge, and you’ll have a strong understanding of how fast those 500 (or 400) gallons are going to disappear.


It’s also important to work with a trustworthy supplier like Berico to make sure your tank never runs out. Berico will deliver more propane promptly and can set up a schedule of timely deliveries to make sure your tank doesn’t get anywhere near empty. This is one of those points where you’d rather be safe than sorry – having your tank topped off regularly rather than pushing your luck on how far down it can go is the smart move. Reach out to Berico right away to learn more about propane delivery.

How Environmentally Friendly is Propane?

Carolina FuelsWith such a sharp focus on the environment in recent years, more and more people are thinking about how their daily actions impact the earth as a whole. If you count yourself among those who want to make sure you are making sound decisions, you might be reviewing the types of energy you use to warm your home or power your vehicles. With that in mind, this article is going to turn the focus toward propane to see how it stacks up.


To work with a trusted propane supplier in Eden, North Carolina, look no further than Berico. There are a few different Rockingham propane companies to choose from, but Berico stands at the top of the list thanks to outstanding customer service and excellent pricing. Get started today.


A Great Fuel Choice

To get right to the point – propane is a great pick for people who are concerned about the impact they are going to have on the environment. One of the primary factors you need to consider here is how much carbon dioxide a fuel emits as it is burned. Some fuel sources that are commonly used emit a high level of carbon dioxide, and as a result, may have a significantly negative impact on the environment.


That is not the case with propane. Yes, there is some carbon dioxide emitted, but it is not a significant volume as compared to many alternative fuels. So, if you are heating your house with propane, for example, you can feel good about that choice and know that you aren’t harming the climate unnecessarily while keeping your home comfortable.


Another Important Factor

Beyond the carbon dioxide emissions of burning a given fuel, there is also the risk of fuel spills to take into account. A major oil spill in an ocean, for example, can do extensive and long-lasting damage to animals and plant life. This is another area where propane rates well. Not only is it safer overall to move propane from one place to another, but any spill that does occur will be less harmful to the environment.


If propane is spilled, it will quickly turn to vapor and dissipate into the air. You’ll always want to be careful and practice good safety measures when dealing with any kind of gas, but the environmental outcomes associated with a propane spill are unlikely to be significant.


So Much More to Love

It’s been established that propane is a gas you can feel good about using for your energy needs. That covers things from an environmental perspective, but there are other factors to weigh such as cost, performance, and convenience. Propane continues to check out nicely in those areas, as well, which is why it has been such a popular and trusted option for many years. If you would like to consider setting up an ongoing propane delivery arrangement with Berico, get in touch today to learn more.

Are There Different Qualities of Home Heating Oil?

gas stove litIt’s always tempting to look for the lowest possible price when making any type of purchase. Saving money is always a good thing, so no one could blame you for looking for a deal. Unfortunately, seeking out the lowest possible price can lead to trouble in some cases, and that’s the case with heating oil. There are various qualities of heating oil on the market, and finding the right blend of quality and price can be a tricky task.

If you are searching for an oil heating company near me and want to go with a trusted industry leader, Berico is ready to serve you. Oil heating service is just one of many offerings from this long-standing company, so get in touch today to learn more.

The Answer is Yes

To be clear, there certainly are different qualities of home heating oil available. When you purchase your oil, it’s important that you know what you are getting and that you confirm it’s the right product for your system. That doesn’t mean that you need to buy the most expensive heating oil available to get good performance – in fact, that probably won’t be the right choice – but you do need to pick out a product that is going to deliver the performance you expect.

Where You’ll See a Difference

The primary difference between the grades of heating oils tends to be found in efficiency. With a better oil, you are going to get more efficient performance when you burn it to create heat. And, as you would expect, the better heating oils are going to be more expensive as a result.

So, if you are presented with two options for purchasing heating oil, automatically going with the cheaper one might not actually save you money in the end. Sure, you’ll pay less on a per-unit basis for the oil, but if you have to burn more of it to warm your home, the math might not work out in your favor. It’s best to build a relationship with a company like Berico who only sells the highest quality oil, Ultra Low Sulphur Heating Oil.

Another Important Heating Oil Factor

Beyond the cost of the oil itself, you are also going to need to think about the cost of having that oil delivered. It’s the total bill for heating oil delivery that you should care about, so always get detailed quotes that cover everything involved in the process. Cheap oil won’t do you any good if it is of low quality and comes with a high delivery fee.

For example, Berico is committed to offering customers affordable heating oil solutions, meaning the whole package of oil and delivery is likely to beat what you can find elsewhere. When you factor in the other incentives that Berico offers – such as monthly payment options – you will quickly see why so many people have trusted this brand for generations. Reach out today to schedule your first delivery or to get more information.

The Benefits of Investing in Routine Maintenance on Your Furnace

It’s easy to fall into the trap of skipping routine maintenance on your furnace. You have a lot going on, after all, and this seems like one of those things that you can afford to skip once in a while without it being a big deal. Unfortunately, routine maintenance for a furnace is quite important, so skipping it is a choice you may come to regret later on. This article will highlight just a few of the many benefits of keeping up with your maintenance schedule.

For furnace repair in Eden NC, Berico should be your first call. With affordable and reliable maintenance programs, Berico will make sure your system gets the care it needs without breaking the bank. Furnace maintenance in Reidsville is also available, so call today to get started.

Improved Furnace Performance

What you likely want more than anything out of your HVAC system is reliable, consistent performance. When you set the thermostat for a given temperature, you want the equipment to work properly to raise or cool the temperature in the space to hit that mark. That’s usually not a problem when the equipment is in good condition, but a lack of maintenance can lead to performance issues and struggles to reach the desired temperature.

Through maintenance, the equipment will be kept clean, which is a big part of making sure it works well. Also, there will be the opportunity to catch small problems within the system so they can be corrected before they become bigger issues and continue to degrade overall performance.

Save Money – In Many Ways

HVAC maintenance is one of those cases where you are going to spend a little bit of money in order to save more money later on. When you have your HVAC system serviced, you will have to pay for that service, of course – but you’ll be having work performed that is going to make it far less likely that repairs will be needed down the line.

Not only does maintenance help protect against the need for costly repairs, but it can also extend the lifespan of the whole HVAC system. If you are able to get extra years of service out of your current system thanks to a maintenance program, the cost of that program will be more than worth it in the end.


Increase Furnace Efficiency

As if the savings above weren’t enough, there is yet another advantage to mention – the improved efficiency of your system after it has been maintained. Since everything within the system will be working properly, the system should require less energy to heat or cool the house, meaning you’ll spend less on your utility bills. Any way you look at it, the financial advantages of investing in HVAC maintenance are too significant to ignore.

To get started with an HVAC maintenance schedule, reach out to the friendly and professional team at Berico right away.

7 Signs You May Need to Call a Professional for Furnace Repair

Most of the time, your furnace operates in the background while you go about your life. As long as the thermostat is set properly, you don’t need to worry about anything – the system just runs when it should, and the house stays comfortable. When problems pop up, however, you might need to call for prompt repair to get back on track.


For Burlington furnace repair that you can trust to be fair and professional, turn to Berico right away. While there are plenty of options for furnace maintenance in Burlington, Berico stands above the competition thanks to its experience and proven performance in this market.


1 – Your Furnace is Loud or making weird noises

Even if you don’t pay particularly close attention, you probably know what your furnace is supposed to sound like just from living in your home day after day. If the furnace starts to make unusual noises when it is running, that’s a likely sign that there is something going wrong in the system.


2 – Your Home is Cold

This might be the most obvious sign of all. As they say, a dead giveaway. The furnace is supposed to heat up the house, so if it can’t get that job done, the time may have come to have it looked at by an experienced professional. There is no way to know what kind of repair will be required until an HVAC pro checks it out in person.


3 – Strong Smells Coming from the Furnace

As with the sound that your furnace makes, you probably also know if it usually generates any kind of smell. If there is suddenly a strong smell coming from the area where the furnace lives, or through the vents while the air is being moved around the house, something may be wrong.


4 – Costs Go Up

Pay attention to your energy bills to make sure you aren’t using more energy than expected based on the weather conditions outside. Any bill you receive will include not only the dollar amount that you need to pay, but also the units of energy you have consumed. Monitor those numbers and look into repairs if they keep climbing.


5 – It’s Been a While

No furnace will continue running indefinitely without encountering problems. If you know that your furnace hasn’t been serviced or inspected in a long time, schedule an appointment to have it checked out from top to bottom.


6 – It’s Always On

Your furnace shouldn’t be running all the time, even if it is cold outside. If it seems like the furnace is constantly turning on and running during the day, even if the cycles are short, it might not be functioning correctly.


7 – Dirty Air

Have you noticed that the air quality in your house has declined recently? When that happens, it’s another potential sign that your furnace needs some kind of repair. The air that comes out of your vents while the furnace is on should be clean, and if it’s dirty, you’ll want to get to the bottom of that issue as soon as possible.


To have your furnace checked out and tuned up before you experience any of these issues give your friends at Berico a call today: (336) 226-9371

The Benefits of Installing an Energy-Efficient HVAC System

Energy efficiency is a popular topic these days, and for good reason. There tend to be plenty of benefits associated with becoming more energy efficient, although those benefits will vary from one situation to the next. This article is going to look specifically at HVAC systems to see what kinds of advantages can be gained by upgrading to a more efficient system than the one that currently serves your home.

To hire an Eden HVAC company that you can trust to do good work for excellent prices, turn to Berico. Whether you need AC repair in Eden or any other kind of HVAC work performed promptly, Berico is the easy pick.

It Starts with Money

Plain and simple, the motivation for many people to upgrade to an energy-efficient system is going to come down to saving money over the long run. Yes, there are plenty of other advantages – including those listed below – but cutting down on how much you spend on energy month after month is sure to be a primary driver of this decision.

The math here is pretty easy. When your system is more efficient, it will use less energy to achieve the same result as an older, less-efficient system. And, when less energy is consumed in the process of heating or cooling a building, utility bills go down. The exact savings enjoyed here will depend on factors like the size of the building, the type of energy being used, and more, but it’s sure to add up quickly as the months pass.

Better HVAC Performance

Along with saving money, you should also find that your new HVAC system delivers better performance day after day. Have you noticed that there are warm and cold spots throughout your house with your current system? That’s a common problem with older HVAC gear, and it can be improved on with an upgrade to a higher efficiency setup. Also, the unit will likely not need to run as long each cycle to produce the desired results, so you’ll be left with a quieter house that is more comfortable to enjoy with your family.


Be Kind to the Environment

Another popular reason for seeking efficient HVAC equipment is to reduce the impact that warming or cooling the space has on the environment. All types of HVAC gear use some form of energy, and the consumption of that energy is going to have an impact on the environment in one way or another. So, by using less energy, that impact will be reduced – and the effect will be magnified greatly as more and more continue to switch over to more efficient systems.

Whether it’s time for a new HVAC system or you need to have your existing system maintained or repaired, Berico is ready to do the work. Reach out today (336) 623-9741 to schedule an appointment or to ask any questions you may have for the team.

What You Should Know About Different Types of HVAC Systems

To someone who doesn’t work in the industry, HVAC systems can appear extremely complicated. Not only are there plenty of complicating factors within a single system, but there are also many differences between types of systems. You don’t need to be an expert to have the right system installed in your home, but it is helpful to understand the basics – and that’s what this article is here to offer.

As a leader in HVAC in Greensboro NC, Berico is the easy choice when you have any type of installation or maintenance project to handle. For the best Greensboro HVAC service available, simply call Berico today to get started.

The Industry Leader – A Split System
If you own a home that was built in the last 20 or 30 years, it’s very likely that the HVAC system that serves your home is what’s known as a split system. With this type of system, you can have both heating and cooling capability in your home, although the work will be done by separate units. This is an impressively efficient and affordable system, which is why it has become the standard throughout most of the country.

So, how does it work? In simple terms, there is a unit to manage the heating of air and another to manage the task of cooling it down. The heater will typically be in the house, located somewhere out of the way like an attic, basement, or small closet. When the thermostat tells the system that the home needs to be warmer, the unit will kick on and move air through the heater and out through the ducts to warm up the space.

The process is similar with cooling, only the unit that manages cooling will be found outside. Refrigerant is pumped through a line that runs out to the outdoor unit, where it will be cooled, and the heat will be dumped out into the air. Then, that cooled refrigerant makes the trip back inside, where air moves over it and is cooled down. You’ll only need a single thermostat to manage all of this activity, and the end result should be a home that stays comfortable throughout the year.

Many Other Possibilities for HVAC Systems
Covering all of the other various options available for HVAC systems would far exceed the limitations of this article. However, we can take a moment below to highlight some of what you’ll find out there on the market today, as one of these might end up being a better solution for your needs.

• Zoned system. This can still operate as a split system as was described above, however, the home (or another type of building) is divided up into zones that can be heated or cooled individually.

• Ductless HVAC. In this case, ductwork is not used to distribute heated or cooled air, and instead, there is a dedicated unit placed in each room in the house that needs to be temperature controlled. This is a good option for an older home that doesn’t have ductwork and has never had air conditioning.

• Heat pump. A heat pump is an outdoor unit that can provide both heating and cooling capabilities, depending on the season. So, it can function as an air conditioner in the summer, and when winter rolls around, it becomes an auxiliary heater that supplements the main heating unit.

The best way to resolve any questions you may have about HVAC systems is to contact Berico directly to learn more about the options. Get started today!

4 Factors Affecting the Cost of Installing or Replacing an HVAC System

When you need to have your HVAC system replaced, it’s easy to be confused by the various terms, components, and costs involved. Why does the system cost what it does? This experience can be frustrating for many buyers, so this article will aim to bring some clarity to the situation.


If you need to have some HVAC maintenance performed right away, call Berico and schedule your appointment as soon as possible. Of course, if it is HVAC installation that you are after, Berico would be proud to handle that task for you, as well. Get in touch today to learn more.


1 – The Size of the System

This is the big one, so it’s the obvious place to start. The size of the HVAC equipment you need to purchase for your home is going to depend directly on the size of your home – a bigger house requires more powerful equipment to serve it properly. And, of course, a bigger HVAC unit is going to be more expensive than a smaller one of similar quality. So, one of the first things you’ll do when working with an HVAC company is to determine how big the system needs to be to properly serve your house in the years ahead.


2 – Installation Details

Simply put, some HVAC installation projects are easier than others. If it is an easy install that only requires a new unit to be swapped in where the old unit was housed, the labor costs will be relatively modest, and the job will be done quickly. That’s not always the case, however. If you are going to be making some changes that require work to be done to the ducts, for example, that will be more involved and costs will rise as a result.


3 – Efficiency Rating

The efficiency of an HVAC system is designated by the SEER rating, which stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. If you decide that you want to purchase a unit with a high SEER rating, you’ll wind up paying more for the purchase because of the upgraded quality of the system compared to those with a lower rating. So, why would you make such a choice? That higher rating means your system will use less energy and you will spend less on your utility bills each month. So, this is a case where you may decide to spend more upfront in order to save in the long run.


4 – Do You Want Zone Control?

One of the popular trends in HVAC in recent years is the addition of zone control to get better performance out of a system. With zone control, you can dial in the temperature of various parts of the house more accurately, eliminating the frustrating warm and cold spots that many traditional units produce. This is a great feature and one worth considering, but it does come at an additional charge.


For an accurate quote on the installation of a new HVAC system in your home, reach out to Berico today for assistance.