Energy Audits Can Make a Big Difference

The energy used in your home is what keeps it running on a day-to-day basis. While it’s easy to take that energy for granted, paying closer attention to how it works and how much you are using is a worthwhile project. For help understanding how your home uses energy and where you might be able to make improvements, reach out to Berico today. As an HVAC company with a long and respected history in the Greensboro area, you can be sure Berico is up to this challenge. The home energy audit is free of charge, so get in touch today to schedule your appointment!


Why Efficiency Matters

If everything in your home that runs on energy is currently working, you might not feel much of a need to change it. Unfortunately, you might be missing out on some pretty significant upgrades if you fail to bring in a team like Berico to look closer at how everything is operating. An energy audit can make your home more efficient, which means you might be able to enjoy some of the benefits below –


  • Save money. This is likely your primary motivation for considering an energy audit. If you feel like you have been spending too much money on your energy bills on a monthly basis, you might be able to bring those costs down with the help of Berico. By finding opportunities to improve efficiency, energy consumption can be reduced and your utility bills will shrink at the same time.
  • Get better performance. A more efficient system is going to help you get better results from your HVAC gear on a daily basis. For example, if it seems like your current system takes a long time to bring the house down to a comfortable temperature, going through an energy audit might reveal that AC repairs – or even AC replacement – could provide the kind of performance that you’d like to see.
  • Ongoing reliability. Efficiency is closely tied to reliability in the HVAC world. When a system is running efficiently, it tends to steer clear of problems that will lead to downtime and repairs. On the other hand, equipment that is laboring to get the job done and consuming a lot of energy along the way is more likely to have issues that need to be addressed.


For Today and the Future

One of the great things about a Berico energy audit is how it can help you get better results immediately and for years to come. If the audit reveals some problems that can be fixed quickly, you might start enjoying better results the same day. And, if the Berico team is able to track down efficiency problems that have been costing you money, the savings you enjoy will just keep going month after month with no end in sight.


Remember, the energy audit is a free service – so there is no reason not to call! Get in touch right away to learn more and find a time on the schedule that works for your busy life.

The Benefits of Fleet Fueling

One of the biggest expenses – and hassles – associated with operating a fleet of commercial vehicles is fueling. Not only will fueling eat up a big part of your budget each month, but it also takes a considerable amount of time. By opting for fleet fueling, you can get around some of these issues and better position your fleet for success.


Berico is a reliable fleet fueling provider serving many customers in Greensboro and beyond. If you have been looking for affordable, reliable fuel delivery in North Carolina, give Berico a call today to learn more.


How Fleet Fueling Works

If you aren’t currently using a fleet fueling service, you are likely sending the drivers of your vehicles to stop at a nearby fueling station to top off their tanks. Those drivers may have company cards they can use to purchase the fuel, and they’ll have to take a bit of time out of their day to make this stop.


Fleet fueling is the opposite of this approach. Instead of going to the pumps, the pumps come to you in the form of a fuel truck from a company like Berico. This way, the trucks can be filled up while they are still on your lot, and then they can head out for the day without needing to worry about fuel. It’s a convenient, efficient system that is already utilized by many fleet operators.


Considering the Many Benefits

This article has already touched on some of the benefits of this service briefly, but the points below should make those benefits even more evident –


  • Get a great price. Paying a little more than you have to for fuel can really make a big difference when operating a busy fleet. If you can bring down what you spend on fuel by just a percentage point or two, you stand to save a significant amount of money by the end of the year. Working with a trusted fueler like Berico will help you get the best possible price for the fuel you need to keep things running.


  • Save time and miles. Not only will you cut down on the time your drivers spend seeking out fuel, but you’ll also reduce how many miles they have to drive while out on the road. Remember, every single mile costs money, so even if they just go a few miles out of their standard route to get fuel, that’s extra money that doesn’t need to be spent.
  • Cut down on risks. There are risks associated with providing your drivers with the ability to purchase fuel for their vehicles. By taking control of that process, you cut down on the chances of fraud, and you also remove the energy and time needed to carefully track those cards and how they are being used.


When you add everything up, fleet fueling makes a lot of sense. Once you put this system in place with a supplier like Berico, you’ll be able to take fueling headaches off of your plate and know that the vehicles will have the fuel they need to keep up with even the busiest of schedules. Get in touch with Berico today to get started.

What is a Ductless HVAC System?

There are plenty of different types of HVAC systems on the market today. Given the many different kinds of buildings and homes that need to be heated and cooled, it’s great that there are so many options – but those options can be a little intimidating if you don’t work in the HVAC industry. This article will explain what a ductless system is and highlight the reasons why you might opt for this style of heating and air conditioning equipment.


As one of the leading heating and air conditioning companies in the Greensboro area, Berico would be proud to serve you on a new ductless HVAC project. Of course, if you already have a system and just need some service or repair, Berico will be glad to work on those tasks for you, as well. Get in touch today to learn more.


Understanding the Ductless Concept

It might be easiest to explain a ductless HVAC system by first reviewing how a standard HVAC system works with ducts. When a home has ducts, the HVAC system will heat or cool the air in a central location and then push that air out to various rooms through the ducts. This system works just fine but adding ducts to an older home that doesn’t have them is extremely costly and, in some cases, just not feasible.


Without ducts, air can’t be moved throughout the building after it has been heated or cooled, so that work needs to be done within each room. This is called a ductless, or mini-split system, and it is the best option for homeowners and other building owners who don’t have ducts to utilize.


Look for Wall-Mounted Units

If you are wondering if a particular home or building has a ductless system, the easiest way to tell is to look for the wall-mounted units that will be found in various rooms. These units are what produce the air needed to heat or cool the space, and there is a blower inside to distribute that air effectively. Rather than the air coming out of vents, which is what would be the case with a ducted system, you’ll see these small units mounted on walls up close to the ceiling.


There Are Some Advantages

While ductless systems usually aren’t the default choice, there are some advantages to opting for this style of HVAC. Specifically, because you can more easily control where in the building you want to heat or cool.  The other obvious advantage is of course there are no ducts.  This can be helpful in adding central air to an older home.


Whether you are ready to get started with a ductless HVAC system in your home or business, or you just want to talk to the experts about your options, call Berico today to get started.

The Importance of Indoor Air Quality: How to Improve It with HVAC

If you are like most people, you spend more time inside your home than any other location. And, of course, you are breathing the entire time you are in your home – meaning the air quality inside the house is critically important to your health. This article will take a closer look at why air quality matters and how the right HVAC choices can improve it dramatically.


To get help with any kind of HVAC project in Greensboro, Eden, Burlington, and beyond, contact Berico right away. As an industry leader in North Carolina with almost one century of experience, you can trust Berico to be up to any HVAC challenge.


Why Air Quality Matters

Living in a home with poor air quality can have a number of negative impacts on your health. Among the many potential side effects of poor air quality include congestion, headaches, sore throat, and more. The specific symptoms will vary from person to person, but they will often feel like what you would get from a common cold. Of course, a typical cold will fade away after a few days, but these symptoms may persist if they are the result of an air quality issue. Improving the air quality in your house should directly impact the health of everyone who spends time in the space.


Focus on the Filter

As a starting point for improving your air quality, make sure to replace your HVAC air filters regularly. It’s the air filter that is the first line of defense against dirty air inside a house. As the filter ages and gets dirty, it’s not going to get the job done as effectively as it does when it’s new. Also, the system as a whole won’t work as efficiently because the flow of air will be restricted by the dirty filter, so there are plenty of reasons to swap AC air filters out regularly.


The good news is that air filters are easy to change and a new one is an affordable purchase. Some people make it a point to change the filter often – as frequently as once per month – during the times of the year when your system is working the hardest, but quarterly is more common.


Run the Fan

Sometimes, you won’t need heating or cooling in your home, as the ambient temperature will be perfectly comfortable. But that doesn’t mean you have to keep your HVAC system off. If you want to run the system to get some air moving and improve the quality of that air by passing it through the filter, just switch the fan to “On” for a while and enjoy the benefits right away.


If you want to take the extra step to protect your home and family, a way to do that is by ensuring that the air you breathe is clean and free from harmful particles with iWave and Phenomenal Aire. These air purifying attachments can help keep your air ducts and surfaces clean and safe.


These devices are easy to install in any duct air conditioning system, and they work by reducing pathogens, allergens, particles, smoke, and odors in the air. The best part is that they don’t produce any harmful byproducts, making them an environmentally friendly option. By simply turning on your fan, furnace, or air conditioning system, you can enjoy cleaner and safer air in your home.


Not only do these products provide a cleaner environment, but they also offer unparalleled health benefits. In just 30 minutes, iWave and Phenomenal Aire’s technology can reduce over 90% of pathogens in the air. This is 50 times more powerful than normal HVAC filtration, making these devices an excellent investment for your family’s health.

With these air purifying devices, you can ensure that the air ducts, tables, furniture, countertops, bathrooms, and practically every surface you touch is cleaner and safer for your family. Take the necessary steps to protect your home and family by investing in iWave or Phenomenal Aire air purifying devices.


If you’d like to get serious about your air quality and take big strides in this area, contact Berico right away to learn more about your options and determine what steps may be appropriate.

The Top 5 Benefits of a High-Efficiency Air Conditioning System

Life in North Carolina is made far more comfortable through the use of a reliable air conditioning system. Whether you’ve lived here your whole life or just for a single summer, you know well how important it is to have cool air flowing throughout the warm season. While any kind of air conditioning is helpful, a high-efficiency system is even better – and the benefits of such a system are outlined below.


Heating and air companies are numerous in this part of the country, but few deliver results like Berico. For everything from minor service and repair up to a complete HVAC replacement, Berico is ready to serve you. Get in touch today to learn more.


1 – Save Money

This is likely the primary motivation for many people to consider a high-efficiency system, so it only makes sense to start here. When your system runs efficiently, it will use less energy to reach the desired temperature – and that means you’ll spend less money on your utility bill month after month. When considering the cost of new HVAC equipment, it’s important to take this factor into consideration. As the months go by and you gradually save more and more money, the investment you made in upgraded equipment will quickly become worth it.


2 – Great Performance

You should also enjoy excellent performance when you have a high-efficiency AC system. That means that your home will cool relatively evenly from room to room, and it won’t take long to get to a comfortable temperature. Given the hot and humid summers that are common in North Carolina, upgrading your air conditioning is a logical choice.


3 – Kind to the Environment

Using less energy isn’t only helpful in terms of saving you money, but you’ll be doing a favor for the environment at the same time. Consuming energy places stress on the environment in one form or another, so cutting back is a responsible thing to do – and you can still get the great performance you desire at the same time.


4 – Stay Up and Running

There are few things quite as frustrating as having your air conditioning system unavailable during the hottest time of the year. While that possibility can never be eliminated, it can be reduced by upgrading to a modern AC system that features high-efficiency equipment. This equipment won’t have to work as hard as your old gear, so there is a good chance it will remain properly functional throughout the summer and beyond.


5 – It May Be Quieter

You might not realize just how loud your current air conditioning system is until you upgrade to modern, efficient gear. A new system will likely run far quieter than your old one, meaning you can enjoy the peace and quiet that you deserve in your home without having to give up the cooling you need to stay comfortable.


High-efficiency air conditioning equipment is here to stay, so reach out to Berico right away to discuss the possibility of making this upgrade before the hot weather arrives.

The Top 5 Signs That You Need to Upgrade or Replace Your HVAC System

When cared for properly, an HVAC system can last a very long time. It won’t, however, last forever. HVAC systems are made up of a variety of mechanical parts, and those parts are inevitably going to wear out at some point, even when proper heating and air conditioning service is provided. If you think the system that currently serves your home is nearing the end of its useful life, the five signs below could help you make that determination.


Berico is a leader in HVAC in High Point, so feel free to give them a call at any time with questions about your system or the services they provide. With the right team on your side, dealing with this major project will suddenly feel like a simple process.


1 – It Can’t Reach the Right Temperature

This is perhaps the first sign you’ll notice that something might need to be done about your HVAC system. If you set the thermostat to a specific temperature, and the system simply can’t get to that temperature even if it runs all day, it might be time for new equipment. At some point, even a quality system won’t be able to get the job done any longer, and the cost of repairs might not make sense compared to the cost of just starting over. Pay attention to how long the system has to run to reach your target temperature, if it is able to reach it at all.


2 – Costs are Rising

Watch your utility bills for signs that your HVAC system is consuming more energy than it used to. If those bills are steadily rising and the cost of fuel isn’t, you may be facing a system that isn’t as efficient as it once was, so it needs to consume quite a bit more energy to accomplish the same job. Of course, to make sure this comparison is accurate, be sure to consider any changes to the per-unit cost of energy along the way.


3 – It’s Been a Long Time

Even if your current system is working reasonably well, you still might want to have replacement on your radar if it has been a long time since your home had a new system (or if it is still on the original equipment). There is no specific lifespan for HVAC equipment, but you can use 10 – 15 years as a general range for how long a system may last. Yours could go well past that mark, of course, but it’s worth thinking about upgrading if your gear has been working hard for well over a decade and counting.


4 – The HVAC System is Loud or is Making Strange Noises

Sometimes, changes in the sounds that your HVAC system is making will indicate that it’s about time to bring in some new equipment. Of course, it could be that a simple repair is the better option, so get expert help when you notice new noises so you can make the right choice based on the situation at hand.


5 – Inconsistent Performance

You should know what you are going to get each time your cooling or heating kicks on. If the equipment currently in your house doesn’t seem to produce the same results time after time, consider upgrading to new gear that will run more efficiently, will be quieter, and will make your home a more comfortable place to live.



Berico has been helping folks stay comfortable in their homes for nearly a century and is a leader in HVAC in High Point, so feel free to give them a call at any time with any concerns or issues that you have with your HVAC system.

Understanding R-Value: How It Affects Your Home’s Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is an important topic for the modern homeowner. By taking steps to make your home as efficient as possible, you can save money on your utilities and do a favor for the environment at the same time. Insulation is a big part of the efficiency picture, and R-value is an important measurement of efficiency for that insulation. While this topic can get quite technical, the article below will keep things simple and help you understand why this is so important and what you can do about it.

Are you searching for “air conditioning repair near me” with no luck finding the right contractor? For the best HVAC services in High Point, stop your search and just call Berico today for great service, excellent prices, and reliable performance.

What is R-value?

The ability of insulation to control the heat transfer in your home is measured by R-value. When you add insulation to a building, the goal is to minimize how much heat moves from inside to outside, or vice versa. So, when it is cold outside, you want the insulation to prevent that cold from coming in. The same is true in the summer, as good insulation can limit the impact that outdoor heat has on your space.

Of course, not all insulation products are the same, which is why R-value is such a valuable piece of information. Using the R-value of an insulation product, you can determine if it is a suitable option for your needs, based on where that insulation will be used and how thick it will be. On the low end of the range, you will find insulation around R13, while products up around R30 and beyond will provide far more insulative ability.

It’s Not That Simple

Just looking at the stated R-value on a type of insulation will help you understand what that product can do, but that’s only one piece of the puzzle. You also need to think about how thick the insulation is going to be once installed. R-value only determines the insulating ability of a one-inch thickness, and you can multiply the power of the insulation by making it thicker. So, a product that rated at R15 when it is an inch think would offer R45 insulation if it was installed to a thickness of three inches. Insulation in attic spaces is often layered because there is more space in an attic as compared to the inside of a wall.

A Big Difference

Having proper insulation in your home can make a huge difference in how your HVAC system performs. Poor insulation will lead to excessive heat transfer between inside and outside, meaning your heating or cooling is going to have to work harder than it would otherwise to achieve the same effect. It’s the combination of great insulation and quality HVAC equipment that will lead to the comfortable, efficient space that you’d like to create. Reach out to Berico today to learn more.

Should I Repair or Replace My Air Conditioner?

One of the trickiest questions in HVAC is whether to repair or replace an aging air conditioning unit. Of course, it is typically more affordable to repair as compared to buying and installing a replacement, but those repair costs can add up if they keep happening time after time. In fact, replacing a system is often more affordable vs. paying higher efficiency bills. Often customers who replace their HVAC system get into a low monthly payment that almost equals the amount of energy and fuel savings they get with their new higher efficiency model. So, this article is aimed at providing you with some fundamental concepts to keep in mind as you make this decision.


Working with a High Point HVAC company like Berico is going to make it much easier to settle on a plan for your system. Whether you go with AC repair in High Point or you decide to replace the unit entirely, Berico will be happy to handle the project. Reach out now to learn more.


Start with the Age of the HVAC System

When an issue comes up with your air conditioner, the first thing to think about is the age of the system. If your air conditioner is more than ten years old, this repair is going to need to be very affordable in order to make it worthwhile. If the repair is more than just a few hundred dollars, you’ll almost certainly want to go with the replacement option. The problem with repairing an old unit is that more and more repairs are just going to keep coming up, so your costs are going to add up over time. Also, an old air conditioner isn’t going to be as efficient as a new one, so even when it is working, it won’t work as well as fresh equipment.


Consider Timing

Another factor in the middle of the summer is how long it’s going to take for each of these two options. In some cases, it might make sense to opt for the repair if that job can be completed quickly and you can get the cold air flowing once again. If ordering a new unit and having it installed is going to take quite a while, you might not want to wait that long for results.


In this situation, going ahead with an affordable repair could be a temporary solution while you think about replacing the air conditioner system completely in the off-season. Of course, if the repair is going to be costly, you won’t want to go ahead with it only to replace the system later, so you might just need to opt for replacement even if it means spending some time without AC.


Get Professional Guidance

You don’t want to make this choice on your own. Even after doing a bit of research, you still aren’t going to have the insight into this matter that comes with having years of experience in the field. With a trusted industry partner on your side, you can ask any questions you may have and get an expert opinion on whether repairing your current system or ordering a new one is the right choice. Berico is the right team to help with this and any other HVAC challenge, so make a phone call today to get started.

7 Reasons Why an Annual AC Tune-Up is Essential for Your Home

Having a properly functioning air conditioner serving your home is critical in the summer months in this part of the country. With plenty of hot, humid days on the horizon, making sure your AC is up to the challenge should be a top priority. This article is going to highlight seven reasons to make sure an air conditioner tune-up is finished before the warm weather moves in.


Berico is a leading name in air conditioner installation in Greensboro, and also offers an excellent maintenance plan to keep your system operating properly. Whether you need AC installation or just a tune-up, Berico is only a phone call away.


1 – Better Performance

First and foremost, you’ll get improved performance from your air conditioning system when it has been maintained properly. Without maintenance, various parts are going to get dirty, and they won’t perform as well as they should. That means the space won’t get as cool as you would like while the AC is running, or it will take more energy to get the results you desire.


2 – Improved Efficiency

Speaking of using more energy, a dirty air conditioning system is one that is going to run inefficiently, and it will cost you more to have it on as a result. With the length of the summers we experience in this area, you could wind up spending a lot more money on energy than was necessary simply because you skipped your preventive maintenance visit.


3 – Longer Lifespan

Another way in which a tune-up can benefit you is by getting a longer useful life out of the equipment you already own. If you fail to maintain it, your system is inevitably going to fail sooner, and as a result, you’ll find yourself back on the market shopping for an entirely new piece of equipment. Put that expense off for as long as possible by keeping up with annual maintenance.


4 – Catch Developing Air Conditioning Problems

Even if it seems like the system is working just fine at the moment, going through with a tune-up appointment will allow any small issues to be caught and corrected before they turn into bigger problems down the line.


5 – It’s a Great Value

We’ve talked quite a bit already about how you can save through maintenance by getting more life out of your system and by improving efficiency. On the other side of that coin, these tune-up visits are very affordable, so the return on your investment is impressive.


6 – Avoid Hot Spots

Most homeowners know the feeling of having some of the rooms in their home stay nice and comfortable in the summer – while other rooms just won’t cool down no matter what you do. Keeping up with maintenance will make your system work better and it should lead to a more even cooling throughout the whole house.


7 – Prevent Downtime

Aside from potential financial savings, yet another advantage here is being able to steer clear of repairs that might take a while to complete in the middle of a hot summer. It’s no fun to live through a heatwave for a week or two without a functioning air conditioner, so stay ahead of the game and make that outcome less likely.

How to Save Money on Your Energy Bill with a Programmable Thermostat

Advanced technologies are becoming more and more prevalent in homes, and programmable thermostats certainly fit into that category. Often, programmable thermostats are promoted as a convenience, and while that’s one benefit they deliver, there is also the potential savings on your energy bill to consider. After all, if you can cut down on your energy bill, the cost of buying the thermostat will seem like a wise investment.


For reliable Greensboro AC repair services, turn to the team at Berico right away. While there are many HVAC companies in Greensboro to consider, few – if any – will deliver the combination of quality and value that is offered by Berico. Don’t wait any longer to get started.


Optimize Your HVAC Thermostat Settings

The first thing you’ll want to do with your new programmable thermostat – such as the Honeywell Pro 8000 – is to optimize the settings that control how the system runs and when it heats and cools your house. Some of this is common sense, but the basics are highlighted in the points below –



  • Only when you are home. If you are gone at work all day, it doesn’t make much sense to keep the home at a comfortable temperature while no one is inside. So, you might set your thermostat to either turn the system off during the day Monday – Friday, or you could set it for a more moderate temperature. As an example, you might cool the house to 72* in the summer when you are home, but that could be bumped up to 76* during the day so the system doesn’t have to work so hard.


  • Think about sleep. In the summer, you’ll likely want to use your thermostat to keep the house cool enough to sleep comfortably all night long. But what about the winter? Even if it’s cold outside, you can probably add an extra blanket to your bed and not need to keep the heat up so high. This is another easy way to save energy by using your thermostat correctly.


  • Changes for vacation. While you can get into a pattern of settings for normal day-to-day life, remember to make changes to those settings when you are gone for a while. The touchscreen on the Honeywell Pro 8000 makes those changes quick and easy.


It’s All About Efficiency

If you want to bring your energy bill down, the number one goal is to make your system more efficient. That starts by managing your thermostat settings correctly to minimize waste and make sure the system is serving your needs to the greatest possible extent. From there, you can take other measures to save on energy usage, including changing your air filter regularly and having Berico come out for routine periodic maintenance to keep everything running the way it should. Building good habits all the way around, including in how you manage your thermostat, will help you write a smaller check to the utility company each month.