How Do I Fix the Humidity in My HVAC System?

Living in Greensboro, you already know one thing to be true – your comfort isn’t so much determined by the temperature as it is by the humidity. You can be comfortable at surprisingly hot temperatures when the humidity is under control. In humid conditions, however, it’s hard to be comfortable even if the temps are mild. So, how do you fix humidity problems with HVAC? A closer look is below.


Working with an HVAC contractor like Berico is the best way to solve any of your heating and cooling problems. With many services, fair prices, and a long track record of success, you can trust Berico to deliver.


Identify the Problem

While it’s high humidity that is the most uncomfortable, low humidity in your home can also be an issue. Without sufficient moisture in the air, you might regularly experience problems like dry skin and respiratory issues. Also, you may notice that your furniture and other items start to crack or peel as a result of the dry air. It’s a good first step to figure out if you are facing low or high humidity – or maybe both during the course of the year – so you can better determine how to proceed.


Some Simple Steps

As a starting point, you can try regularly running some fans in your home to help balance out the humidity levels throughout the building. You likely have exhaust fans in your bathrooms and laundry room, for example, and these can be a help in moving the air around effectively. You could also choose to go a step further by installing a whole-house ventilation system to move even more air.


Examine the Size of Your HVAC System

It’s always important for an HVAC system to be properly sized for the house it is serving. This is important for a number of reasons, including for humidity purposes. When an oversized unit serves a house, it might cool down the rooms too fast and it won’t run long enough to bring humidity down. On the other hand, if you don’t have a large enough system, it will just run and run and may struggle to get the house to a comfortable temperature. An experienced professional will be able to examine your current system to tell you if it’s a good fit for the house and your needs.


The Ultimate Solution

While other tweaks to your system can help, the single best way to address humidity levels is through the installation of a humidifier or dehumidifier. These are units that are designed specifically to manipulate the moisture levels in the air inside your home. You can have such equipment integrated into your existing HVAC system so it all works together and leaves you with excellent results.


Have you been searching online for “AC repair near me”  – without finding a partner that can meet your needs? Berico is ready to come to the rescue. Take a moment to call the Berico team today to discuss your needs and set up an appointment.