How to Avoid Emergency Furnace Repairs This Winter

Winter in Eden can be unpredictable, and when frigid temperatures arrive, you rely on your furnace to keep your home warm and comfortable. Unfortunately, unexpected furnace breakdowns can disrupt your routine and leave you shivering. To minimize the risk of emergency repairs this winter, proactive maintenance and a watchful eye on your system are crucial.

The best way to steer clear of the need for emergency repairs is to have Eden furnace maintenance performed by a talented team like Berico. As a long-time leader in Eden HVAC service, you can be sure that Berico will be ready to handle any challenge. Call now to get started.


Change Out the Air Filter Often

While it might seem like a simple step, one of the best things you can do for the health of your furnace is actually one of the easiest – change the air filter regularly. This is a job that you should be able to handle on your own without bringing in the pros, and air filters are quite affordable, meaning there really isn’t any reason to skip this step.

The exact interval for changing your furnace air filter will depend on how much the system is running and how quickly the old filter is getting dirty. During the middle of a cold winter when the furnace is running often, changing out the filter once per month is a good idea. You don’t need to change it so frequently when the weather is milder and the furnace isn’t working as hard.


Don’t Overwork the Furnace

Speaking of your furnace working hard, avoiding putting too much strain on the system is an important way to keep the system running all winter long. When it gets particularly cold outside, don’t ask your furnace to heat your home to a particularly high temperature. This will put tremendous strain on the system and could lead to a breakdown. Instead, adjust your thermostat temperature to reduce the strain on the furnace and maybe just add a layer of clothing or use an extra blanket to stay warm during the cold snap.


Respond to Performance Issues Right Away

It’s often the case that a furnace won’t completely stop working immediately when a problem comes up. Commonly, a problem in the system will lead to symptoms like unusual noises or a drop-off in performance, but it will keep running. If you are proactive with your furnace and respond to those signs by getting in touch with Berico to have the proper fix applied right away, you can avoid running into an emergency repair situation later on.

If you stay ahead of the game, you should be able to avoid needing emergency heating service during the winter months. Of course, some things just happen despite your best efforts, so if you do need to have prompt repairs made to your furnace to warm your home back up again, Berico is ready and waiting to take on the project.