How Often Should an HVAC System Be Serviced?

Berico understands that it is easy to forget about the needs of your HVAC system as you are going through the busyness of day-to-day life. Once furnace installation is completed, you just expect to have the system run in the background while you are doing other things. However, without the occasional furnace tune-up, some issues are bound to develop over time, and you might wind up facing expensive and time-consuming repair work.


For HVAC maintenance that is always going to keep you ahead of the curve, trust the Berico team. Take a moment today to make your first appointment and keep your system on track for a long and healthy life.


HVAC Maintenance – Twice a Year

In general terms, it is recommended to have your HVAC system serviced twice per year. While there are some situations that may call for more frequent maintenance, the schedule of two visits each year will work well for most homeowners. One of those visits should be in the spring to make sure the cooling system is ready to go for the hot summer months, and the other visit can take place in the fall with cold weather around the corner.


What Can Happen if You Skip HVAC Maintenance?

It’s easy to understand the temptation to skip your periodic HVAC maintenance when your system seems like it is working just fine. However, the system won’t keep working properly if you go ahead and skip regular maintenance, so look at each of these visits as an investment in the future. Without good maintenance, your system will gradually get less efficient, and small problems can turn into bigger issues that lead to the breakdown of major pieces of equipment.


Can HVAC Service Be a DIY Job?

In a word, no. Working on your HVAC system is something that should only be done by a trained, experienced professional. Not only are you likely to do more harm than good when trying to service your own HVAC system, but you may also put yourself in danger along the way.


One exception to this rule is the matter of changing out your air filter. It’s important to always have a fresh air filter in your system and this is a task that virtually every homeowner can handle on their own. HVAC air filters tend to be easy to access and take just moments to swap out with minimal tools required.


Getting Great Value

Worried about how much it might cost to have your HVAC system serviced twice a year? Berico understands that concern, which is why maintenance plans are available to help you keep up with this important task without spending too much on the work. Maintenance plans can not only save you money on maintenance visits but also come with other discounts on various Berico services that you may require.


To enjoy the best care for a furnace Greensboro has to offer, turn to Berico right away and get on a maintenance program that is right for your system. Call now to learn more!